Bucket Bag factoryBucket Bag factory

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Bucket Bag factoryBucket Bag factoryBucket Bag factory

Bucket Bag factory Description This is a large-capacity leather tote handbag. This bag is luxurious and luxurious. It is a tote bag that you will love once you carry it. This bag uses the first layer of cowhide as the raw material, after repeated tanning, it looks high-end and high-grade, and the quality is excellent. It is not only suitable for your own use, but also very suitable for giving away as a gift. The color of the bag is an elegant apricot color, matched with the lychee pattern on the leather surface, and the overall feeling is warm and comfortable. The lining is also the best quality polyester fabric, and the metal zipper is also the best quality hardware product. The bottom of the bag is also thoughtfully designed with anti-wear foot spikes. And his large capacity allows you to carry an umbrella, ipad, various cosmetics, etc. when you go out without a problem. product show product description Item name: Large-capacity leather tote bag Item number: CJH2235 Material锛?/strongCowhide Inside material锛?/strongPolyester Function: portable, one shoulder, crossbody Inside: One main pockets锛宱ne inner patch pocket锛宱ne zipper pocket Outside Size:42*14*30cm N.W:0.721kg G.W:0.811kg Accessories: Single shoulder straps Handle: height 20cm unadjustable movable Packing: non-woven bag , export ctn product details FAQ Q1. Is this bag genuine leather? Answer: This bag is made of first-layer cowhide. Q2. Does this bag feel heavy on the back? Answer: This bag is about 0.72KG, which is the weight of 700ML. Q3. Is there any other color for this bag? Answer: If you want other colors, you need additional customization. Q4. What is the minimum sale price of this bag? Answer: The wholesale price is from 10 pcs. Q5. Is the bag waterproof? Answer: Under normal rainy weather conditions, there is no problem. Factory IntroductionBucket Bag factory website:http://www.cnjhxinyuan.com/bucket-bag/
