The ways these new Cluster Jewels change Path of Exile's metagame is tantalizing

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the harder things become. Powerful new mini-bosses lurk on the periphery of these mirror dimensions, but that's exactly where the best rewards are, too.

Mirror, mirror
Powerful, new mini-bosses lurk on the periphery of these mirror dimensions, offering greater rewards for those who can slay them in time POE currency trade .

Like many of Path of Exile's expansions, Delirium is all about players challenging themselves on their own terms and deciding how much (if at all) they want to play with its new systems and quirks. When Delirium releases on March 13, players who start a new character in the Delirium league will find fragmented, creepy mirrors scattered throughout the world with a hazy mirror image of themselves visible just beyond them.

Stepping through will transport you into a foggy parallel dimension. For about a minute, you’ll be beset by horrific new monsters and strange fog-borne mutations of existing foes. These hordes are much tougher than the normal rank-and-file critters, and the further you push out from where you found the mirror into this strange new world, the harder things become. Powerful new mini-bosses lurk on the periphery of these mirror dimensions, but that's exactly where the best rewards are, too.

Those really looking for punishment can pass through the mirror and then take on major story bosses while still in the fog, significantly increasing the challenge of any given boss fight. Wilson showed me what happens when Delirium hits the Brine King, a giant crab-like sea-god from the main story. Ol’ Briney is scary enough as is, but under the influence of Delirium, the oversized crustacean gains some nasty new abilities like a giant spectral figure that erupts from its shell to strike you. It's a weird twist, and I can't wait to see what Delirium does to other fights.

So why is it worth putting yourself in all this extra danger? Story-wise, Wilson was unusually coy, saying that the narrative behind all of this is going to remain under wraps for a while longer. As is standard with Path of Exile's temporary Challenge leagues, completing Delirium events will eventually lead to a new story-focused finale to all this mirror-world malarkey.

The extrinsic reward, however, is the same as everything in Path of Exile: Loot. There’s the usual bundle of new unique items to collect, including a full set of gear that mirrors (har har) the look of Delirium’s villain, but the main reason to hunt nightmares is an all-new type of game-changing item, currently exclusive to this league.

In the name of loot
The ways these new Cluster Jewels change Path of Exile's metagame is tantalizing POE currency for sale .
