Top instrumentation engineering company

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Maxwell GeoSystems are experienced Geotechnical Engineers with decades of boots-on-the-ground experience of major construction and infrastructure projects. We’re also Data Management Specialists who know how to acquire, process & dynamically connect data to help project stakeholders

Maxwell GeoSystems USA Ltd.

1301 Arapahoe St Ste 105, Golden,

CO 80401, United States

Earthworks Reclamation


Maxwell GeoSystems, Top Instrumentation Engineering Company,  have been driving developments in identification, prediction, control and monitoring. Our MissionOS system integrates instrumentation monitoring, construction data and ground condition information within a real-time environment to enable engineers to quickly analyse data with a minimum of processing.

The best Engineering Company works, reclamation and ground improvement projects, successfully combine large volumes of data before, during, and post construction.


With MissionOS data driven architecture geotechnical ground models developed during site investigation stages can be checked and reassessed as new information comes to light during construction. This data can be supplemented by monitoring the spatially dense construction data from ground improvement holes to identify soft/deep spots not apparent during site investigation and comparing pre and post treatment ground strength with CPT gives confidence that the ground has suitably improved.


MissionOS powerful instrumentation capabilities enable embankments to be monitored closely for stability as they are erected and for settlement once they reach full height. Settlement measurements are compared with predictions in order to confirm design assumptions and answer the ever burning question: “ Are my ground improvements finished so I can move on to the next stage of construction?”


Often rich information sources lay dormant, buried in static reports. MissionOS helps bring information alive, making it one the top instrumentation engineering companies
