Do CPR Manikins Need Maintenance?

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Do CPR Manikins Need Maintenance?

Yes, CPR manikins do require some basic maintenance to function properly and stay sanitary. Here's a breakdown of the key maintenance aspects:


This is the most crucial aspect. After each use, the manikin should be cleaned to prevent the spread of germs and bacteria. This typically involves:

  • Wiping down the entire surface with warm, soapy water or disinfectant wipes specifically designed for manikins.
  • Paying special attention to areas like the face shield (if applicable) and mouthpiece, which come in direct contact with users.
  • Following the manufacturer's instructions for cleaning solutions and drying times.


Regularly inspect the manikin for any signs of wear and tear, such as:

  • Cracks or tears in the skin-like material.
  • Loose or broken straps or connectors.
  • Malfunctioning features like feedback mechanisms or airway valves.


Based on the inspection, some parts may need replacing:

Face shields or mouthpieces, especially if they become damaged or worn.

Straps or other expendable components according to the manufacturer's recommendations.


Some manikins, particularly advanced models with moving parts, may require occasional lubrication according to the manufacturer's instructions. This ensures smooth operation and prevents wear and tear.


By following these basic maintenance steps, you can ensure your CPR manikins last longer, function properly, and remain sanitary for safe and effective CPR practice. Remember, a well-maintained manikin provides a more realistic training experience.

