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The injection procedure of Botox gained popularity at the end of the last century and since then remains the most popular anti-aging non-surgical technique.

The effect of Botox is achieved due to the neurotoxin botulism type A. It is one of the most dangerous poisons in the world, however, such microscopic doses of the substance are used in cosmetology that it is not difficult for a professional to control its action and obtain a positive result.


The action of Botox is as follows: with an injection, it enters the muscle, blocking the transmission of nerve impulses in it. As a result, the muscle relaxes, its contraction stops and, as a result, the skin adjacent to it is smoothed.

Botox injection is able to smooth out wrinkles in almost any area of ​​the face. However, Botox shows the greatest effect in its upper third. So, the drug allows you to get rid of:

horizontal and vertical wrinkles on the forehead and between the eyebrows;
wrinkles around the eyes (the so-called "crow's feet");
folds on the back of the nose;
the so-called "puppet wrinkles" - labial folds;
strands around the neck.


You can buy Botox online on the website


Botox is also used by highly qualified specialists for:

correction of the shape of the eyebrows, their location in height;
narrowing of the wings of the nose and raising its tip;
raising the lowered corners of the lips;
visual lengthening of the chin;
correction of facial asymmetry caused by blepharospasm and other spastic effects.
It is also common to inject botulinum toxin into the feet, palms, and armpits to reduce sweating. This procedure is indicated for people with hyperhidrosis, however, it is often used on the eve of summer and healthy patients.
