A bad idea is air running, as crafters often offer less than 1 000 dollars

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You may have noticed that OSRS GP this is my first posting on the forum. Ive been playing runescape for quite a long time, long enough to appreciate the joy of pking in the wild and luring novices into purchasing bronze swords for $3k ().

As many of you probably know, runescape is now severely restricted and has undergone major changes. Im reffering to the 10th of December Wilderness as well as Bounty Hunter changes and the 2nd January changes to the Unbalanced Trade.

I could go on about how horrible this is, and the things I cannot do. However, what is the best way to fix it? If you believe that another "pay for pk" or "world66riot" is the best solution, tell me. If you feel that the best way to go is just to be there and observe the events unfold, that's exactly what I will do.

What I really want is another great idea that hasn't been tested. Have any ideas, suggestions. Give me something I can try before i give up and end up quitting runescape. I'm sure that you'll have some good suggestions. I'm looking forward to writing more. I finally decided to research the bonus points for Bless dragonhide Coifs and a Robin Hood hat, and here they were (Taken directly from Wikipedia).

Alright apart from a 1 POINT ATTACK BONUS DIFFERENCE, the blessed coifs are better, yet people pay over 3 million for the hat. Are you talking about the exclusivity of the hat or its look?

I'm new on this site. I was a millionaire once, but now I'm only 1k. I tried to sell 4k willow logs for sale on the Grand Exchange but it didn't sell for almost an entire week. This happens to lobbys as well and even at the lowest price. I'm F2P.

A bad idea is air running, as buy OSRS gold crafters often offer less than 1 000 dollars. It used to be over 2k. I will not conduct any transactions since it was clearly a fail. The Grand Exchange is a bad location to sell things since no one is using it to purchase things. Mining takes too much time and killing cows for cowhides is slow and no one will ever buy the hides. Share your tricks and tips here. I am looking to make 10-30k per day.
