Halo Multiplayer - Even More Game Tips

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Halo Multiplayer - Even More Game Tips

Looking to dominate Halo Multiplayer? This short guide will show you how to overpower other players on two of Halo's multiplayer maps. Take your Halo play to the next level and shutout those Master Chief wannabes.


Infinity is a gargantuan, figure-eight-shaped map where vehicles dominate. You'll be spending a lot of time in transit to the enemy base and there isn't much to see and do along the way, so the key to owning Infinity is knowing your own base.

Taking the ramps all the way to the top level will lead you to two Banshees and a sniper rifle. These craft are the quickest and easiest way to capture the enemy flag.

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On the main level of your base, note the health pack in the rear (i.e., farthest from the flag). In front is a Shade for base defense, a flamethrower, and a couple of grenades. Directly beneath the Shade on the ground is a pair of Warthogs, one of each type. The flag is on a pad adjacent to the base, and a room accessible from the side closest to the canyon wall contains a valuable health pack and shotgun.

When making a flag run, you can do it solo using a Banshee if you're good enough. When traveling by Warthog, use the buddy system. Well-coordinated teams will use multiple Warthogs with air support.

The alternate way to reach the flag is walking via teleporters at the back of the enemy base. You may be able to sneak in, but you'll need to do so much walking back that your odds of survival plummet.


Small and square, Timberland is simple. There are no backdoors into either base here. Each team's HQ has two levels, the second of which holds extra grenades and a sniper rifle. Be careful: a zoomed-in sniper rifle can shoot into the second level of the opposing base. If you're up there, be quick about it and keep moving.

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In front of your base is a pair of Ghosts and two Warthogs, one of each type. Take a buddy if you go via Warthog, but it's actually pretty easy to make solo runs with the Ghost. The key there is to avoid the temptation of the open middle area and the over shield located there, and stick to the outside edges instead.

Cruise out of your base to the left and stop at the first corner you come to. Pick up the fuel-rod gun and plasma grenades. That gun is your key to stomping any troops you run into at the enemy base. Hop back on the speeder and hug the outermost path. There's an optional second stop just before the path forks where you can grab an invisibility. When you're equipped to your satisfaction, keep to the outside edge, zoom up to the enemy-base entrance, deal some major pain, then return home with the flag via the same outside route for an easy score.

And there you have some very successful tips to use to dominate two of the maps in Halo multiplayer.

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