How to enhance the confidence level of students:tips for teachers

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Confidence refers to trusting and believing in our abilities, actions, and other life skills.

Confidence refers to trusting and believing in our abilities, actions, and other life skills. To develop a sense of control over one's life, self-confidence is very essential. A confident person can achieve success in life by winning over his or her weaknesses. In the life of a student, confidence plays an important role. Forgiving the best in the classrooms and the world outside it, a good confidence level can help students a lot in this regard. You can perform quality interactions and high academic success with the right belief and assurance. Other than this confident students can step high on the stairs of future success as they can 

  • Act positively. 
  • Make strong interpersonal relationships
  • Perform great problem solving 
  • Hold high career positions 
  • Deal with situations better etc. 

Teachers can play a very important role in enhancing students' confidence levels to promote their effective growth and development. Let us discuss some helpful techniques that teachers can involve in classrooms to boost confidence and composure in learners. 

How teachers can enhance confidence in students: best 3 ways

  • Develop a positive learning environment

A positive learning environment means a space where students can express themselves freely without the fear of getting judged or critiqued. When a student will be provided with a space where to speak up and share his or her views and opinions, the confidence level of the students is boosted to a great extent. Make them believe that the learning space is constructive and free of unhealthy judgments. 

  • Acknowledge student effort 

Acknowledging can help a lot in boosting the self-confidence of the students. First of all, every teacher should motivate students to do a bit to perform their best. And when students make an effort, teachers should acknowledge them for sure. When students receive praises, acknowledgment, and constructive feedback, their confidence level is boosted. Teachers should maintain consistency with providing feedback to the students. This will keep them engaged in the classrooms. Also, a reward system is a good idea too. Giving stars, batches, certificates can enhance self-esteem for doing better in the students. 

  • Set short term goals 

Short-term goals are very beneficial for making students engaged in achieving their long-term goals. Even small accomplishments can enhance self-confidence in the students. Setting short targets to complete is a great technique that teachers can do to make students confident. For example, instead of giving a whole chapter for learning in one go, divide it into small portions. When students will be able to learn these small sections easily, they will be motivated to learn more as well. Using an ERP, maintain records of the scores and grades of the students in regular tests, and practices. This will prepare them for the main long-term goals as well. 

Activities for boosting student confidence 

  1. Thought of the day: this activity can be very helpful for enhancing the confidence level of the students. For this activity, teachers should ask all the students to prepare a positive thought on a daily basis. Ask them to speak it in front of the class. This will surely increase their confidence level. Teachers can write the same quote or think on top of the blackboard. Whenever students see or read something positive their self-esteem is boosted to do good in life. 
  1. One-on-one talk: who doesn't like getting the special and personal attention of the teacher. To enhance students' confidence levels, teachers should practice one on one talking to the students. Many children don't feel like interacting in front of the whole class. Therefore to support them, one on one personal talks can be carried out. Teachers can take oral tests personally, can discuss any topic, to enhance the self-confidence of the students. While talking individually, teachers can make notes on the student problems to find effective solutions for the same. 
  1. Group discussions: many times, students feel that they are not confident enough to interact with a group of people. But the right practices from the schooling days itself will help to cure this. Teachers should organize group discussion activities in the classes. By looking at the student's performance, teachers can make notes on who needs to be encouraged and motivated to speak up more openly. To ensure that everybody participates, group discussions can be as a form of assignment. This way, students will take this activity seriously and along with it, their confidence level will also be increased. With an ERP, teachers can easily manage student performance in confidence-building activities. 


For performing well in academics and achieving success in other fields of life, students need a good level of self-esteem and confidence. With a good confidence level, students perform actively in life and accomplish their planned goals. The above-mentioned techniques will help teachers to enhance the confidence level of the students. They can adapt and practice their everyday teaching patterns in classrooms. 
