September 24, 2019

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A blog of daily devotionals to help with everyday life.

September 24, 2019

I was surprised when God answered my prayer concerning the current position I'm in at work. When the job came open, I went into the office I now occupy, and prayed for the place to be mine. After much drama concerning the interview process, which caused me to second guess applying for the position, I got the job!

I should keep this in mind when I start to feel negative about this job – it was God-given!

The scripture readings below tell us that God is always ready to hear us in whatever situation we find ourselves. The verses in Psalms were from David – imploring God to hear his cries in prayer. The Apostle Paul encourages us to be happy or content in what we have and to be patient when we experience hardships or pain and to be in prayer about all aspects of our lives continually.

Scripture reading:
Psalm 55:1
Psalm 130:2
Romans 12:12


Heavenly Father, thank you for giving me the ability to boldly come to your throne and submit my petitions to you, knowing you will hear and answer. Let me be mindful of your infinite wisdom in your answers and to accept those answers with a humbled heart. In your Son's name, I pray. Amen.

GVSLifeSciences 3 yrs

<a href="">GVS Life Sciences</a>
was founded with a goal to advance positively alongside the local community and in tandem with the group’s strategic expansion plan that would serve both foreign industries and locals alike.