Fellow Believers, For Us, It All Comes Down, TO THIS . . .

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Fellow Believers, AFTER Personally, Acknowledging GOD Almighty’s Amazing Saving GRACE, AND Personally, Accepting GOD Almighty’s FREE GIFT Of SALVATION; We Give Our Lives, COMPLETELY, TO Worshiping And Serving, GOD Almighty, THROUGH Jesus Christ; And We LIVE, TO Share The Saving Knowled

1 John 3:4
Whoever Commits Sin, Also Commits – Lawlessness; And Sin, IS Lawlessness!
Romans 3:23
For ALL (Mankind) Have Sinned, And Fall Short Of THE GLORY Of GOD (GOD Almighty)!
Romans 6:23
For The Wages Of Sin (The Payment Due), IS DEATH (The Lake Of Fire, The Second Death, EVERLASTING CONDEMNATION, FOR ETERNITY, FOREVER); BUT, THE GIFT Of GOD (GOD Almighty’s FREE GIFT Of SALVATION), IS ETERNAL LIFE, IN Christ Jesus, OUR LORD (EVERLASTING LIFE – IN GOD Almighty’s Immediate Presence, With Jesus Christ, The Holy Spirit, GOD Almighty’s Holy Angels, And All The Rest Of The Children Of GOD Almighty, FOR ETERNITY, FOREVER)!
Romans 5:12, 15-20
Therefore, Just As, THROUGH One Man (Adam), Sin Entered The World, And Death, THROUGH Sin, And Thus, Death Spread, To All Men, Because ALL Sinned — BUT, THE FREE GIFT (GOD Almighty’s FREE GIFT Of SALVATION), IS NOT Like The Offense (Sin)! For IF, By The One Man’s Offense (Sin), Many Died; Much More, THE GRACE Of GOD (GOD Almighty’s Amazing Saving GRACE), AND THE GIFT (GOD Almighty’s FREE GIFT Of SALVATION), BY THE GRACE Of THE ONE MAN, Jesus Christ, Abounded To Many (Fellow Believers – Children Of GOD Almighty)!
AND THE GIFT (GOD Almighty’s FREE GIFT Of SALVATION), IS NOT LIKE THAT, WHICH CAME, THROUGH The One Who Sinned! FOR THE JUDGMENT (FROM GOD Almighty), WHICH CAME, From ONE OFFENSE (Sin), RESULTED, IN CONDEMNATION (The Lake Of Fire, The Second Death, EVERLASTING CONDEMNATION); BUT, THE FREE GIFT (GOD Almighty’s FREE GIFT Of SALVATION), WHICH CAME, From Many Offenses (Jesus’ Crucifixion, Resurrection, AND Subsequent, Ascension), RESULTED, IN JUSTIFICATION (Of LIFE, EVERLASTING LIFE – IN GOD Almighty’s Immediate Presence, With Jesus Christ, The Holy Spirit, GOD Almighty’s Holy Angels, And All The Rest Of The Children Of GOD Almighty, FOR ETERNITY, FOREVER)!
For IF, By The One Man’s Offense (Sin), Death Reigned, THROUGH The One; Much More, Those (Fellow Believers – Children Of GOD Almighty), Who Receive Abundance Of GRACE (GOD Almighty’s Amazing Saving GRACE), AND Of THE GIFT Of RIGHTEOUSNESS (GOD Almighty’s FREE GIFT Of SALVATION), WILL REIGN, IN LIFE (EVERLASTING LIFE), THROUGH THE ONE, Jesus Christ!
Therefore, As THROUGH One Man’s Offense (Sin), JUDGMENT CAME (FROM GOD Almighty), To All Men, RESULTING, IN CONDEMNATION (The Lake Of Fire, The Second Death, EVERLASTING CONDEMNATION); Even So, THROUGH ONE MAN’S RIGHTEOUS ACT (Jesus’ Crucifixion, Resurrection, AND Subsequent, Ascension), THE FREE GIFT (GOD Almighty’s FREE GIFT Of SALVATION) CAME, To All Men (Fellow Believers – Children Of GOD Almighty), RESULTING, IN JUSTIFICATION Of LIFE (EVERLASTING LIFE – IN GOD Almighty’s Immediate Presence, With Jesus Christ, The Holy Spirit, GOD Almighty’s Holy Angels, And All The Rest Of The Children Of GOD Almighty, FOR ETERNITY, FOREVER)!
For As, By One Man’s Disobedience, Many Were Made Sinners; So Also, BY ONE MAN’S OBEDIENCE (Jesus’ Crucifixion, Resurrection, AND Subsequent, Ascension), Many (Fellow Believers) Will Be Made RIGHTEOUS (Children Of GOD Almighty)! Moreover, THE LAW (The Old Covenant) Entered, That The Offense Might Abound! BUT, Where Sin Abounded, GRACE (GOD Almighty’s Amazing Saving GRACE) Abounded Much More; So That, As Sin Reigned, IN Death; Even So, GRACE (GOD Almighty’s Amazing Saving GRACE) MIGHT REIGN, THROUGH RIGHTEOUSNESS (GOD Almighty’s FREE GIFT Of SALVATION), TO ETERNAL LIFE, THROUGH Jesus Christ, OUR LORD!
Ephesians 2:8-10
FOR BY GRACE (GOD Almighty’s Amazing Saving GRACE), YOU (Fellow Believers – Children Of GOD Almighty) Have Been SAVED (FROM The Lake Of Fire, The Second Death, EVERLASTING CONDEMNATION), THROUGH FAITH (FAITH, IN The Gospel Of Jesus Christ), And That, NOT Of Yourselves; IT IS, THE GIFT Of GOD (GOD Almighty’s FREE GIFT Of SALVATION), NOT Of (Mankind’s) Works; Lest, Anyone Should Boast! For We (Fellow Believers – Children Of GOD Almighty) Are HIS (GOD Almighty’s) WORKMANSHIP, CREATED, IN Christ Jesus, For Good Works (GOD Almighty’s Good Works, Performed THROUGH Us); Which GOD (GOD Almighty) PREPARED, BEFOREHAND, That We (Fellow Believers) Should Walk, IN Them!
Hebrews 2:14-15, 17
Inasmuch Then, As The Children (Fellow Believers – Children Of GOD Almighty), Have Partaken Of Flesh And Blood (The Natural Body), HE (Jesus Christ) Himself Likewise, Shared In The Same (The Natural Body), That THROUGH Death (Jesus’ Crucifixion, Resurrection, AND Subsequent, Ascension), HE (Jesus Christ) Might DESTROY Him, Who Had The Power Of Death, That IS, The Devil (Satan); And RELEASE Those (Fellow Believers – Children Of GOD Almighty), Who, THROUGH Fear Of Death (The Lake Of Fire, The Second Death, EVERLASTING CONDEMNATION), Were All Their Lifetime, Subject To Bondage (The Bondage Of Sin)!
Therefore, IN ALL THINGS, HE (Jesus Christ) HAD TO BE MADE (IN The Natural Body), Like HIS Brethren (Fellow Believers – Children Of GOD Almighty); THAT, HE (Jesus Christ) Might Be, A Merciful AND Faithful High Priest (Our ONLY Priest), IN THINGS PERTAINING TO GOD (GOD Almighty); To Make Propitiation (Paying The Sin-Debt, IN FULL), For The Sins Of The People (Fellow Believers – Children Of GOD Almighty)!
Hebrews 10:5-10
Therefore, When HE (Jesus Christ) Came Into The World, HE (Jesus Christ) Said: “Sacrifice And Offering, YOU (GOD Almighty) Did NOT Desire, BUT, A BODY (A Natural Body), YOU (GOD Almighty) HAVE PREPARED FOR ME! IN Burnt Offerings And SACRIFICES, For Sin, YOU (GOD Almighty) Had NO Pleasure! THEN, I (Jesus Christ) Said, ‘BEHOLD, I (Jesus Christ) HAVE COME — IN THE VOLUME Of THE BOOK (The Holy Bible, AND Specifically, The Gospel Of Jesus Christ), IT IS WRITTEN Of ME — TO DO YOUR WILL, O GOD!’”
Previously Saying, “Sacrifice And Offering, Burnt Offerings, And OFFERINGS, For Sin, YOU (GOD Almighty) Did NOT Desire, NOR Had Pleasure, IN THEM,” Which Are Offered, According To THE LAW (The Old Covenant); THEN, HE (Jesus Christ) Said, “BEHOLD, I (Jesus Christ) HAVE COME, TO DO YOUR WILL, O GOD!”
HE (GOD Almighty) TAKES AWAY THE FIRST (The Old Covenant), THAT HE (GOD Almighty) MAY ESTABLISH THE SECOND (The New Covenant)! BY THAT WILL (GOD Almighty’s WILL), WE (Fellow Believers) HAVE BEEN SANCTIFIED (Cleansed), THROUGH THE OFFERING Of THE BODY Of JESUS CHRIST, ONCE FOR ALL (Fellow Believers – Children Of GOD Almighty)!
Hebrews 10:12-14, 17-18
BUT, THIS MAN (Jesus Christ), AFTER HE (Jesus Christ) Had Offered One Sacrifice For Sins (Jesus’ Crucifixion, Resurrection AND Subsequent, Ascension), FOREVER; Sat Down, At The Right Hand Of GOD (GOD Almighty, ALIVE, IN Heaven); From THAT TIME, Waiting, Till HIS Enemies, Are Made HIS Footstool! For By ONE OFFERING (Jesus’ Crucifixion, Resurrection, AND Subsequent, Ascension), HE (Jesus Christ) HAS PERFECTED, FOREVER, Those (Fellow Believers), Who Are Being SANCTIFIED (Children Of GOD Almighty)!
THEN, HE (The Holy Spirit) ADDS, “Their Sins And Their Lawless Deeds, I (GOD Almighty) Will Remember, NO More!” Now, Where There Is Remission (Forgiveness, Cleansing) Of These (Fellow Believers – Children Of GOD Almighty), THERE IS NO Longer, An Offering For Sin!
Hebrews 10:19-25
Therefore, Brethren (Fellow Believers – Children Of GOD Almighty), Having Boldness (Confidence), To Enter THE HOLIEST (The Presence Of GOD Almighty), BY THE BLOOD Of JESUS (Jesus’ Crucifixion, Resurrection, AND Subsequent, Ascension – The Gospel Of Jesus Christ); BY A NEW AND LIVING WAY, Which HE (Jesus Christ) CONSECRATED For Us (Fellow Believers), THROUGH THE VEIL, THAT IS, HIS FLESH (Jesus’ Crucifixion, Resurrection, AND Subsequent, Ascension); And HAVING, A High Priest (Jesus Christ, Our ONLY Priest), Over The House Of GOD (The Body Of Christ); Let Us (Fellow Believers) Draw Near, With A True Heart, IN Full Assurance Of FAITH (FAITH, IN The Gospel Of Jesus Christ); Having Our Hearts (Believers’ Hearts), SPRINKLED, From An Evil Conscience; And Our Bodies, WASHED (THROUGH THE BLOOD Of THE LAMB, Jesus Christ), With PURE WATER!
Let Us (Fellow Believers – Children Of GOD Almighty) Hold Fast, The Confession Of OUR HOPE (Of EVERLASTING LIFE), Without Wavering; FOR HE (Jesus Christ), WHO PROMISED, IS FAITHFUL! And Let Us (Fellow Believers) Consider One Another, IN Order To Stir Up, Love And Good Works (GOD Almighty’s Good Works, Performed THROUGH Us); NOT Forsaking, The Assembling Of Ourselves Together, AS IS, The Manner Of Some; BUT, EXHORTING (Encouraging) ONE ANOTHER, And So Much The More, AS YOU SEE, THE DAY (The Being Caught Up Together) APPROACHING!
1 Timothy 2:3-6
FOR THIS, IS GOOD, AND ACCEPTABLE, IN THE SIGHT Of GOD (GOD Almighty), OUR SAVIOR; WHO DESIRES ALL MEN, TO BE SAVED (FROM The Lake Of Fire, The Second Death, EVERLASTING CONDEMNATION, FOR ETERNITY, FOREVER); AND TO COME, TO THE KNOWLEDGE Of THE TRUTH (The Holy Bible, AND Specifically, The Gospel Of Jesus Christ)! FOR THERE IS: ONE GOD (GOD Almighty), AND ONE MEDIATOR, Between GOD (GOD Almighty) AND Men – THE MAN, Christ Jesus; WHO GAVE HIMSELF, A RANSOM FOR ALL (Fellow Believers – Children Of GOD Almighty, i.e. Jesus’ Crucifixion, Resurrection, AND Subsequent, Ascension – The Gospel Of Jesus Christ), TO BE TESTIFIED, IN DUE TIME!
2 Peter 3:9
THE LORD (GOD Almighty) IS NOT Slack, Concerning HIS PROMISE, As Some Count Slackness; BUT, (GOD Almighty) IS Longsuffering (Patient) Toward Us (Mankind); NOT WILLING, That ANY Should Perish (IN The Lake Of Fire, The Second Death, EVERLASTING CONDEMNATION, FOR ETERNITY, FOREVER); BUT, That All Should Come, TO REPENTANCE (SALVATION – THROUGH The Saving Knowledge Of Jesus Christ)!
Fellow Believers, AFTER Personally, Acknowledging GOD Almighty’s Amazing Saving GRACE, AND Personally, Accepting GOD Almighty’s FREE GIFT Of SALVATION; We Give Our Lives, COMPLETELY, TO Worshiping And Serving, GOD Almighty, THROUGH Jesus Christ; And We LIVE, TO Share The Saving Knowledge Of Jesus Christ, With Everyone Else!
Finally, Remember, Jesus Christ ABIDES WITHIN Us, THROUGH The Holy Spirit; Therefore, Jesus Christ WALKS WITH Us, The Holy Spirit TEACHES Us, And Most Importantly, GOD Almighty WATCHES OVER Us, Always!
©Stan Arney (Simply, Follow Me™ Christian Ministries)
Matthew 13:16 "BUT, BLESSED ARE Your Eyes (Believers' Eyes), For They SEE, And Your Ears (Believers' Ears), For They HEAR!" --- The Gospel Of Jesus Christ!