Top 5 chia seeds side effects: explore the methods to avoid them

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The health industry is going through several researches. Chia seeds are one among them which has good popularity. There are various benefits of chia seeds which has made it a happening topic among the mass.

The health industry is going through several researches. Chia seeds are one among them which has good popularity. There are various benefits of chia seeds which has made it a happening topic among the mass. This seed is edible and are used in various recipes. But, using it in a correct way is vital. But, in recent months people are hearing about chia seeds side effects. Thus, the eagerness came among people to know the side effects of Chia seeds.

Top chia seeds side effects

  1. Low blood pressure

Chia seeds contain Omega 3 fatty acid. It is good for all those who suffer from heart disease. Due to its feature of making the blood thin out, an individual can suffer from lowering of blood pressure drastically. Individuals who already have issue of low blood pressure must avoid chia seeds intake.

  1. Issues of gastrointestinal

The physician also have stated that intake of chia seeds can give rise to variety of stomach related issues. Bloating is one of the common issues. The hard stools as well as constipation problem is another vital issue. Thus, the individual suffers from gastric problem.

  1. Blood sugar

One of the biggest advantages of the chia seeds is regulating of the glucose level in your body. But, the Chia Seeds Side Effects include over stimulation while controlling the blood sugar level. This might not be good for your health. Thus, it is always suggested to speak to the health expert before consuming chia seeds.

  1. Allergic reaction

Not every individual gets suited with the positive effects of chia seeds. There are some people who also gets allergic reactions with the consumption of chia seeds. The allergies include the condition like hives, rashes as well as watery eyes. Thus, if you come across any of these reactions after using or having chia seeds in diet, it is better you must avoid.

  1. Stomach issues

Chia seeds contain high fibre. Thus, it is good for health. But, some people do not get this feature right. Too much of fibre gives rise to several types of stomach issues. They are gas formation in the intestine, constipation, diarrhea, bloating etc. Too much of chia seeds consumption can give rise to stomach pain.

Bottom line          

We have observed a good list of side effects which the chia seeds can cause. But, the particular edible seed is also known for many positive sides. Most of the dietician as well as physicians suggest the intake of chia seeds in diet as it forms a healthy dietary addition.

But, having the particular food in the right amount is very important. If you want to get the healthy effect of chia seeds and avoid chia seeds side effects have it in right quantity. Start with small quantity and get your body have the tolerance. Once it gets adapted you can increase the intake. Also, it will be advisable to consult a dietician for the quantity likely for you. There are some healthy conditions when you may avoid the intake of chia seeds completely.
