“Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD” Psalm 33:12. “The only way to be blessed as a country is the follow Jesus Christ. This is what the Holy Bible teaches,” said Steven Andrew. Something historic is happening. More blessings are seen each day people stand up with Andrew that the Lord is the God of the USA and the USA Rejects false gods. “Jesus Christ is the God of the USA.” The news shows Congress has a 12 point approval rating improvement. Congress has grown from a 17% approval to a 29% approval in less than a month, according to a Gallop poll. The encouraging news is this number should increase as people keep standing up for the Lord with Andrew. Since September Andrew is faithfully leading “Prayer and Fasting for God to Raise Up Christian Leaders Immediately” and everyday things improve. There is more needed and Andrew is extending the revival, because people see God is moving. To participate join USA.Life social network. USA.Life is the most powerful social network in history, because it is on the Lord’s side like the Christian founding fathers. Make a difference. For God to heal our land watch "Save America Revival!" daily with Andrew.

Positive News. Congress Goes from 17% to 29% Approval Rating from The Lord is the God of the USA Revival with Steven Andrew and Participants

Positive News. Congress Goes from 17% to 29% Approval Rating from The Lord is the God of the USA Revival with Steven Andrew and Participants

THE SPIRIT OF GOD FILLING THE USA DEPENDS ON OBEYING JESUS CHRIST. God blesses the USA for obeying Him or judges the economy and national security for disobeying Him. Your future depends on obeying God. * Daily Join 40 Days to Follow the Bible for God to raise up Christian Leaders led by Steven Andrew. Feb 10 to Mar 18. If you want God to bless America pray daily. PRAY. Lord, You are America's God. We have "no other gods" Exodus 20:3, Psalm 33:12. The USA loves You and agrees with You that we must "provide out of all the people able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness; and place such over them, to be rulers" Exodus 18:21, who "Kiss the Son" Psalm 2, and "love the Lord" Mark 12:30. May Christians and churches stand up for You boldly. We cry out to You to raise up Christian leaders only immediately who have Jesus as judge, lawgiver, and king for all federal, state, and local representatives. Isaiah 33:22, Joel 2:13-18, Mark 12:30. In Jesus' name. Amen.

“Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD” Psalm 33:12. “The only way to be blessed as a country is the follow Jesus Christ. This is what the Holy Bible teaches,” said Steven Andrew. Something historic is happening. More blessings are seen each day people stand up with Andrew that the Lord is the God of the USA and the USA Rejects false gods. “Jesus Christ is the God of the USA.” The news shows Congress has a 12 point approval rating improvement. Congress has grown from a 17% approval to a 29% approval in less than a month, according to a Gallop poll. The encouraging news is this number should increase as people keep standing up for the Lord with Andrew. Since September Andrew is faithfully leading “Prayer and Fasting for God to Raise Up Christian Leaders Immediately” and everyday things improve. There is more needed and Andrew is extending the revival, because people see God is moving. To participate join USA.Life social network. USA.Life is the most powerful social network in history, because it is on the Lord’s side like the Christian founding fathers. Make a difference. For God to heal our land watch "Save America Revival!" daily with Andrew.

Positive News. Congress Goes from 17% to 29% Approval Rating from The Lord is the God of the USA Revival with Steven Andrew and Participants

Positive News. Congress Goes from 17% to 29% Approval Rating from The Lord is the God of the USA Revival with Steven Andrew and Participants

THE SPIRIT OF GOD FILLING THE USA DEPENDS ON OBEYING JESUS CHRIST. God blesses the USA for obeying Him or judges the economy and national security for disobeying Him. Your future depends on obeying God. * Daily Join 40 Days to Follow the Bible for God to raise up Christian Leaders led by Steven Andrew. Feb 10 to Mar 18. If you want God to bless America pray daily. PRAY. Lord, You are America's God. We have "no other gods" Exodus 20:3, Psalm 33:12. The USA loves You and agrees with You that we must "provide out of all the people able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness; and place such over them, to be rulers" Exodus 18:21, who "Kiss the Son" Psalm 2, and "love the Lord" Mark 12:30. May Christians and churches stand up for You boldly. We cry out to You to raise up Christian leaders only immediately who have Jesus as judge, lawgiver, and king for all federal, state, and local representatives. Isaiah 33:22, Joel 2:13-18, Mark 12:30. In Jesus' name. Amen.

A major study found that Covid vaccinated are “shedding” something to unvaccinated populations that is resulting in abnormal side effects. Christians know the Bible says that ‘Christ is the head of the church’ Ephesians 5:23 and ‘we ought to obey God rather than man.” Acts 5:29. Our rights are from God so no one can take God-given rights away.” One of the greatest sins in history is Democrats and Trump forcing churches to shut down. The unconstitutional lockdowns ruined the economy, costs lives and closed many churches. It is sin for churches to follow man instead of the Bible. Do you and your pastor follow God or man? The study is called Menstrual Abnormalities Strongly Associated with Proximity to COVID-19 Vaccinated Individuals. Published in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research it reportedly found “indirect exposure to COVID-19 vaccinated persons was significantly associated with the likelihood of the onset of menstrual irregularities.” “The study revealed women who were around vaccinated people daily (within 6 feet) had a 34% higher risk of heavy menstrual bleeding, a 28% higher chance of their period starting over a week early, and a 26% higher chance of menstrual bleeding lasting more than a week, compared to those with little close contact,” Infowars reported. See USA.Life for the latest news and God’s hope.

Major study: Covid-Vaxxed ‘Shedding’ Causes Side Effects in Unvaccinated People, Unvaxxed women have risk of heavy menstrual bleeding; "Seek the Lord with Bible reading morning and evening for God's hope," said Steven Andrew

Major study: Covid-Vaxxed ‘Shedding’ Causes Side Effects in Unvaccinated People, Unvaxxed women have risk of heavy menstrual bleeding; "Seek the Lord with Bible reading morning and evening for God's hope," said Steven Andrew

Pray. Lord, You are America’s God. “Christ is the head of the church.” Ephesians 5:23. Democrats and Trump telling churches and people to shutdown and lockdown and the Covid vax were one of the greatest sins in history. Millions of people were harmed and killed, reports. You want law and order. We cry out to You to raise up lawful powers to have lawful punishment on those who disobeyed You. We cry out for a Christian nation government now. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

“Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD” Psalm 33:12. “Following Jesus Christ is why people and America are blessed. Psalm 2:10-12,” said Steven Andrew, who is raising this generation in covenant with the Lord. A poll found in the USA, 68 percent own a credit card last year, reported Statista. For tablets, 64% have a tablet, and 37% have a desktop. To help people with their finances, Andrew explains “God provides for your needs when you follow Matthew 6:33.” Jesus says, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” Matthew 6:33. “Call on Jesus Christ to save you,” said Steven Andrew. Here is an inspiring prayer by Andrew: Father, I believe Jesus Christ died on the cross to forgive my sins. Jesus is my Lord and Saviour. Help me understand Your Word as I read the Holy Bible morning and evening. In Jesus’ name. Amen. The King James Version is recommended and is the most popular Bible to read in history. For God to heal our land watch "Save America Revival!" daily with Andrew.

68% Have a Laptop; Read the Holy Bible Morning and Evening to Be Wise

68% Have a Laptop; Read the Holy Bible Morning and Evening to Be Wise

HAVING WISE CHILDREN DEPENDS ON BIBLE READING MORNING AND EVENING. The Lord blesses the USA for obeying Him or judges the economy and national security for disobeying Him. Your future depends on obeying God. * Daily Join 40 Days to Follow the Bible for God to raise up Christian Leaders led by Steven Andrew. Feb 10 to Mar 18. If you want God to bless America pray daily. PRAY. Lord, You are America's God. We have "no other gods" Exodus 20:3, Psalm 33:12. The USA loves You and agrees with You that we must "provide out of all the people able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness; and place such over them, to be rulers" Exodus 18:21, who "Kiss the Son" Psalm 2, and "love the Lord" Mark 12:30. May Christians and churches stand up for You boldly. We cry out to You to raise up Christian leaders only immediately who have Jesus as judge, lawgiver, and king for all federal, state, and local representatives. Isaiah 33:22, Joel 2:13-18, Mark 12:30. In Jesus' name. Amen.

“Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD” Psalm 33:12. Do you want God to bless America? “The Lord blesses America when you stand up for the Lord and say the USA is a Christian nation,” said Steven Andrew. “Following Jesus Christ is why people and America are blessed. Psalm 2:10-12.” There is an interesting poll on credit cards. In the USA, 49 percent own a credit card last year, reported Statista. To help people with their finances, Andrew explains “God provides for your needs when you follow Matthew 6:33.” Jesus says, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” Matthew 6:33. “Call on Jesus Christ to save you,” said Steven Andrew. Here is an inspiring prayer by Andrew: Father, I believe Jesus Christ died on the cross to forgive my sins. Jesus is my Lord and Saviour. Help me understand Your Word as I read the Holy Bible morning and evening. In Jesus’ name. Amen. The King James Version is recommended and is the most popular Bible to read in history.

Make a difference. For God to heal our land watch "Save America Revival!" daily with Andrew.

Less than Half of the USA Use a Credit Card; Want to Be Blessed? Follow Jesus Christ in Everything

Less than Half of the USA Use a Credit Card; Want to Be Blessed? Follow Jesus Christ in Everything

GOD BLESS AMERICA DEPENDS ON SAYING THE USA IS A CHRISTIAN NATION. Psalm 33:12. The Lord blesses the USA for obeying Him or judges the economy and national security for disobeying Him. Your future depends on obeying God. * Daily Join 40 Days to Follow the Bible for God to raise up Christian Leaders led by Steven Andrew. Feb 10 to Mar 18. If you want God to bless America pray daily. PRAY. Lord, You are America's God. We have "no other gods" Exodus 20:3, Psalm 33:12. The USA loves You and agrees with You that we must "provide out of all the people able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness; and place such over them, to be rulers" Exodus 18:21, who "Kiss the Son" Psalm 2, and "love the Lord" Mark 12:30. May Christians and churches stand up for You boldly. We cry out to You to raise up Christian leaders only immediately who have Jesus as judge, lawgiver, and king for all federal, state, and local representatives. Isaiah 33:22, Joel 2:13-18, Mark 12:30. In Jesus' name. Amen.


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