If you still have a FB account, look up Derrick E Greyson. His tagline is "I'm a Negro and a Conservative Constitutionalist. I fight for the Liberty of All Americans." but he's also one incredible bassist! He posts some videos of gigs are pro-liberty events and he rips it up!

My main gear is: 2 Sound Gear 5 string basses (active), 1 LTD 5 string bass (passive), 1 Ampeg 328 bass combo amp, 1 Ampeg SVT 4 Pro bass amp, 1 SWR 4x10 bass cab, 1 SWR Workingman 2x10 bass cab and1 Gallien-Krueger 2x10 bass cab (for sale). I also use a Tech 21 Sans Amp (love this pedal, so versatile)

What's everyone's main bass? Mine is a Carvin 5 string I put together from a kit close to 20 years ago. I play through a SWR Workingman's 15, or rather I'd like to get that beast out and give it some rumble. Currently I play with two other guys and just plug into an amp simulator and then into the PA so there's no need to haul the amp around.

If you never heard the innovative playing of Tim Chandler you're missing out.


Über Uns

It's okay to admit that you love playing bass guitar.