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Bikers for America
142 „Gefällt mir“ Angaben
(803) 620-3303

PLEASE READ: We absolutely love USA.Life! They do have an Android App but refuse to get an iPhone app. :'(

Would you like to see USA.LIFE create an iPhone app?

PS: We have offered to DONATE $1000 to the development of the iPhone app.

YES Create iPhone App
NO Only Android Users Need App

I Pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, Indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all.

Pray for our Country, for our Military and for President Donald J Trump Pray for Christians around the world #godblessamerica #bikersforamerica


Über Uns

#AmericanExceptionalism ~ #DeplorableBikers
Bikers who support the American way of life! Standing by God, our Constitution, Bill of Rights, Our Flag, Our Military & Our Veterans. God Bless America ~ One Nation Under God