I love scrappy quilts. I made this quilt for my daughter. The pattern is En Provence by Bonnie Hunter.

I love scrappy quilts. I made this quilt for my daughter. The pattern is En Provence by Bonnie Hunter.
Is this group still active? No posts for a year. Looking for maybe an active club with mystery quilts and such....
I have not started quilting yet. Always wanted to do it when I retired. I have some disabilities that may make it a real challenge. I love seeing how others do it, the patterns and colors they pick. I found out years ago when I was working 3 jobs that when I needed to be refreshed all I had to do was go to a quilt store. THE COLORS, OH THE COLORS!
Just joined. Transitioning over from FB. Blessed to find a quilting group here too.
Hi there, I just signed up and happy to find a quilter's group. Does anyone make quilts for Quilts of Valor? 2 fellow QOVs and I cut out 5 quilts for our group today. Had fun designing them with my EQ program. Got them all packaged and now just have to print out the instructions.