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Current Events Reviewer
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THIS WILL COME TO AMERICA if we don't resist now! The general public was freer in Nazi Germany then they are in COVID-Fascist Australia. This is the agenda of the World Economic Forum's Great Reset. The Biden Administration are disciples of the Great Reset. They want this for America and the world. This is where Biden is going with his mandates.

#coronavirus MUST WATCH: The inside story of C0VlD from a medical expert. Dr. Peter McCullough discusses the suppression of the treatment of COVID by governments around the world and the dangers of the novel COVID vaccine and it's roll out. This is a product that had minimal testing but is being pushed on the masses. Why are they so determined to push this on everyone, even those with natural immunity?

The non-biblical quotes are from Meyer, Stephen C. Ph.d, (2009), Signature In The Cell DNA and the Evidence for Intelligent Design, Harper Collins, New York, p. 26. #coronavirus



Analysis and commentary on current events.