Good day, and welcome to my page.
May your stay here be profitable. Please, exercise discretion and tact when commenting. If there are items on the page which you do not like, there are certainly other pages that may interest you.
Good day, and welcome to my page.
May your stay here be profitable. Please, exercise discretion and tact when commenting. If there are items on the page which you do not like, there are certainly other pages that may interest you.
I declare, without hesitation or fear, that Yeshua (ישוע) of Natseret is the Messiah of Yisra`el. He Is the Son of Adam, He Is the Son of King David, and He Is the Son of God. He is echad with the Father, being the exact representation of His being. He is the Word. Eternal life belongs to those who know Him, knowing also the Father. He Is the Messiah of Yisra`el, and those who are grafted in among her. He Is the First and the Last, the Alef and the Tav. He Is the One Who died and Is alive. And that's just scratching the surface. He Is Savior. He Is Master. He Is the Rock. He Is Salvation. He Is `Immanu`el. He Is King of Kings. He Is Lord of Lords. And He Is so much more, to those who have believed on His Name.
This is my line-in-the-sand. This is the springboard. This is the focus. This is where all other Biblical matters point to. There is no greater matter that holds my attention.
If there is disagreement with me concerning this, that's not something I can be responsible for. But I'm not going to change my mind on these things, because יהוה my Elohim does not.
I am a Messianic follower of Messiah Yeshua, devoted to bringing Jews to the knowledge of their Messiah, and looking forward to the Kingdom of Heaven long ago prophesied.
My interests are research, the Bible (the Tanakh and B'rit Chadashah Scriptures), Israel (past, present and future), the Jewish people, and the complete and utter denunciation of christian antisemitism.
Politics bore me, as I only hold the Kingship of Messiah as being worth my attention. I find both liberals and conservatives consumed too much with the things of earth and not enough with the things of heaven.