Red Pill Media New flash: Palestinian Christians exist. However, there is no such thing as a Jewish Christian. Not entirely true. Google "Messianic Jews." I would not have you remain ignorant. Messianic Jew? Why Not Christian?
The Catholic Church: Masterpiece Of Deception 685,231 views Jan 15, 2020 The Roman Catholic Church is perhaps the most powerful and influential religious institution in the world today. Presidents, kings and even other religious leaders seem to show deference to the Roman Pontiff. As ecumenism becomes increasingly embraced by leaders in the broader evangelical world, it behooves us to understand what the fundamental problems with Catholicism are. A false Jesus; a false gospel; and a leader whose very office typifies the antichrist unlike any other figure.
Second Earthquake in 72 Hours Shakes San Francisco Bay Area – What’s Going On? Time for all the #CommieForniaFaggot community to repent. Sodom & Gomorrah 2.0 is here. 78,186 views Jan 17, 2025 #earthquakes #cascadia #newmadrid
Within just 72 hours, the San Francisco Bay Area has been shaken by two magnitude 3.7 earthquakes, the latest striking near Pleasant Hill at a depth of seven miles. From San Francisco to Sacramento, residents felt the ground tremble, leaving many to wonder: The quake originated about seven miles beneath the surface and was widely felt, with reports spanning from San Francisco to Sacramento, including Concord, Vacaville, and parts of the Northern California Delta region. What’s causing this sudden surge in seismic activity? Could these back-to-back quakes be connected? And most importantly, is this a sign of something much larger looming beneath California’s iconic landscape? Stay with us as we unravel the mysteries behind these unsettling tremors.
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