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Financial ,Government Corporate Corruption & Cronyism

The financial crisis that began in 2008 is not as complex as most people believe. It can be boiled down to one word: corruption. Corruption is a disease that spreads uncontrollably when the rule of law has been lost. Our system of government was made with a division of powers among three separate branches of government, all constrained by limited scope and common-sense principles, for the sole purpose of inhibiting corruption and the inevitable rise of an elite ruling class.

Today, however, we have more than thirty-five thousand registered lobbyists in Washington DC. That’s nearly seventy lobbyists for each member of Congress. Together they spent almost three and a half billion dollars last year — that’s over six and a half million dollars per congressman. With that money, they buy influence, not on behalf of The People, but to put forward the agendas of their clients. Huge corporations, internatio