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WELCOME TO FedUpUSA here on USALife, where hopefully, we will not be censored.

The financial crisis that began in 2008 is not as complex as most people believe, nor, contrary to popular belief, is it over. It can be boiled down to one word: corruption. Corruption is a disease that spreads uncontrollably when the rule of law has been lost. Our system of government was made with a division of powers among three separate branches of government, all constrained by limited scope and common-sense principles, for the sole purpose of inhibiting corruption and the inevitable rise of an elite ruling class.

Today, however, we have more than thirty-five thousand registered lobbyists in Washington DC. That’s nearly seventy lobbyists for each member of Congress. Together they spent almost three and a half billion dollars last year — that’s over six and a half million dollars per congressman. With that money, they buy influence, not on behalf of The People, but to put forward the agendas of their clients. Huge corporations, international banks, power brokers on Wall Street, foreign governments, media giants — the real self-appointed ruling class — their lobbyists write the bills, the congressmen work as scripted front men for tainted legislation and then they vote as they’re told. This country was founded as a representative republic, but We The People are no longer represented.

There is no more ‘equal justice under the law’ – - the laws are written only to favor the elite who pay the congressmen to write them; as well as the ‘exemptions’ to most laws to allow for the criminal activity of the elite. Until the rule of law is restored, the financial crisis will not end. The financial crisis is but a symptom of a disease that is terminal for the Republic.

#FedUpUSA #cronyism #corporatism #corruption #government #economics


A whistleblower reached out with footage filmed of the Dominion Election Management System inside an election center in one of the states that used Dominion software and hardware (not Arizona).
As you will see in the video, the whistleblower initially discusses with a Dominion employee about who holds the BIOS password and it is discovered that the STATE is keeping the password - not Dominion, and not the county.
Later, the whistleblower asks the Dominion employee about connectivity and whether or not the machines can be connected to the internet...

With just 1 minute and 17 seconds, we expose their most egregious lie.


#2020electionfraud #dominion #arizonaaudit #whistleblower #fedupusa

"Watching Biden lie to us and hearing him insult us is annoying and, frankly, boring at this point – because we expect it. But in this speech Biden went far beyond annoying and straight onto a terrifying new path, the path of complete government control."

#biden #covid19 #lies #fraud #fedupusa


What's Scarier? Biden's Totalitarian Promises, or the Number of Americans Who Willingly Acquiesce? – RedState

What's Scarier? Biden's Totalitarian Promises, or the Number of Americans Who Willingly Acquiesce? – RedState

Nope, we're not falling for it.


Financial ,Government Corporate Corruption & Cronyism

The financial crisis that began in 2008 is not as complex as most people believe. It can be boiled down to one word: corruption. Corruption is a disease that spreads uncontrollably when the rule of law has been lost. Our system of government was made with a division of powers among three separate branches of government, all constrained by limited scope and common-sense principles, for the sole purpose of inhibiting corruption and the inevitable rise of an elite ruling class.

Today, however, we have more than thirty-five thousand registered lobbyists in Washington DC. That’s nearly seventy lobbyists for each member of Congress. Together they spent almost three and a half billion dollars last year — that’s over six and a half million dollars per congressman. With that money, they buy influence, not on behalf of The People, but to put forward the agendas of their clients. Huge corporations, internatio