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I Love America
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I love America, because George Washington said, “You do well to wish to learn... above all, the religion of Jesus Christ [in public schools]... Congress will do everything they can to assist you in this wise intention.” #jesussaves


Jesus is the USA's judge, lawgiver, and king!

"the LORD is our judge; the LORD is our lawgiver; the LORD is our king; he will save us" Isaiah 33:22


God Bless America!
Johnny Cash - Ragged Old Flag

"The Lord is the God of the USA and Americans [those who believe] are His people." Steven Andrew #americafirst #godblessamerica


IN GOD WE TRUST TO SAVE AMERICA. "The Lord is the God of the USA and Americans [those who believe] are His people." Steven Andrew #americafirst #godblessamerica

"The Lord is the God of the USA and Americans [those who believe] are His people!" Steven Andrew, Psalm 33:12.

Watch this patriotic American Indpendence story. America must survive! Let's unite together for God and country! #americafirst


America is #1. Join us to celebrate!