I am running for Presidential to fight against Forced Vaccines and the One World Government of the New World Order. I need your help with collecting signatures so I can be on the ballot in November 2020. The Mainstream News Media blacks me out because I speak about the dangers of Forced Vaccines, and untested Vaccines and Parental Rights and Exemptions. I also speak out about Fracking, protecting the 2nd Amendment, Chemtrails, the One World Government of the New World Order, 9-11, 5G, inappropriate use of Weather Modification programs, cancer ingredients in every-day-products causing 1 in 6 women to get breast cancer, and student loan reform.
As of 8:34 PM, the 16th of March 2019 my website is banned and blocked by Facebook as are my campaign videos on Youtube, and my Weekly Political Blog.
My Youtube Channel (Kyle Kenley Kopitke) has some 2016 campaign videos, and Kyle Kenley Kopitke on Blogger and at Word Press and Before It’s News has my Weekly Political Blog. KyleKenleyKopitke.com tells about my background. Please pray over donating a couple of hours for collecting signatures. Please give it some prayer. Please share my website and videos with two friends. If you can't help, please pray over who could and ask them to contact me. Tis your America; let us work together to save her. His Peace to you, Kyle I'll need State Directors in your state; please think about it and pray over it; managing a signature drive to collect signatures for ballot access will not be easy. Please email me if you can help at kylekopitke@gmail.com. Kyle2020.com has 9 pages of pictures and policy issues. Again, please pray for my safety, and also that The Spirit of The Lord will rest upon Americans with Zeal so that they will step beyond their keyboards and go, and collect signatures so I can have Ballot Access. To God be the Glory.


Those who will help Doctor Kyle Kenley Kopitke and his 2020 Independent Presidential Campaign by collecting signatures for Ballot Access who live in Washington state should join this group. We are here to fight and stop Forced Vaccines, 5G and Chemtrails and the One World Government of the New World Order. Please pray for my safety. Kyle2020.com has 9 pages of photos and policy issues. We also have mirror pages on Facebook at Kyle2020 Washingon. If we are censored on Facebook, this is the place.