All Aboard...The Blockchain...Next Stop: The Advanced Medicine Exchange | #advancedmedicineexchange #crowdpoint #blockchain #sharingeconomy
I am an educator by trade and by choice. It is important to me to inspire young people to seek knowledge, truth and be inspired to learn. I am a lifelong teacher and a lifelong student. As a parent and an aunt of children with food allergies, I have become committed to making sure that the children in my life can enjoy good food, made with natural ingredients, that they and I can pronounce. It is also important to me that they do not miss out on great memories that involve eating foods that really matter in a kid’s diet, like cake, cookies, ice cream and pizza. So, over the past decade, I have become an eager student of the culinary arts. I create appetizers, entrees and desserts that are free of nuts, gluten, dairy, eggs, grains and sugar. With the filling of each baking pan, sheet, pot or container, I feel grateful to be able to do my part to ensure there is equal access to excellent food for those who want it. <br> <br>I am also a micropreneur, in the Advanced Medicine Exchange. I bring people quality products that protect health and wellness, while at the same time protecting their identity. You see, the Advanced Medicine Exchange is powered by CrowdPoint Technologies, a digital platform provider that defends, democratizes and delivers dividends to the human identity. CrowdPoint Technologies is revolutionizing commerce.