NewGrapes gedeeld post  
4 jr

4 jr

For those who are worried, afraid, and feeling like they are being singled out for having a belief in a country different from how those in power are running it.

For those who feel their free speech is under attack, who feel their freedom of religion as well as the rest of the Bill of Rights are under attack.

There is hope. Now more than ever is the time to clean up your lives, get back to reading your Bibles, learn God's true mission and calling. Learn that the goal of Christians is not to "get to heaven".

God has given us the gift of the Holy Spirit, it's time for His people to call upon that Spirit to work in us, comfort us, and empower us to ignite the spark and spread the Spirit to help those around us, Christian and non-Christian. The Holy Spirit can bring revival and healing, but today's Christians need to get back to seeking God, putting Him first in their lives, and pray for the Spirit to come.

The Body is under attack, but Ephesians 6:12 tells us; For our struggle is not against flesh and blood [contending only with physical opponents], but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this [present] darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly (supernatural) places.

Matthew 18:20, Where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there among them.

Start having Bible studies in your house, get the Body together and pray. Pray for your families, pray for your friends, pray for your enemies, and pray for the Holy Spirit to come and move in a mighty way. The time is now! The time to call Christians to prayer is now, call while you still have your voices, call before you lose your ability, spread the word!

If you're struggling, If you need prayer, reach out to your friends, pastor, family, even me, we must pray for one another!

#comeholyspirt #loveneverfails #royalpriesthood #america #prayforall

We are proud to announce that our video series Time Will Tell is being filmed now, and the first episode on Pottery field will release this Wednesday, if you'd like to support it you can go straight to #indiegogo to help out!

Time Will Tell: Voices from the Redbank Valley | Indiegogo

Time Will Tell: Voices from the Redbank Valley | Indiegogo

Presenting and Preserving the History of the Redbank Valley | Check out 'Time Will Tell: Voices from the Redbank Valley' on Indiegogo.


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