Fascinating read by Fr. Richard Heilman. I have always believed that if we could stop the abortion in this country, evil would completely lose it's power over us. If we read up on Our Lady of America, she promised the US could lead the world to purity and peace. https://www.romancatholicman.c....om/release-the-krake

Release the Kraken! My 11-11-2020 Prediction - I Hope it Comes True - Roman Catholic Man

Release the Kraken! My 11-11-2020 Prediction - I Hope it Comes True - Roman Catholic Man

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Latest Medjugorje Message, October 25, 2020
Marija during an apparition
“Dear children, At this time, I am calling you to return to God and to prayer. Invoke the help of all the saints, for them to be an example and a help to you. Satan is strong and is fighting to draw all the more hearts to himself. He wants war and hatred. That is why I am with you for this long, to lead you to the way of salvation, to Him who is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Little children, return to the love for God and He will be your strength and refuge. Thank you for having responded to my call. ”



We have heard about the events in Medjugorje Bosnia-Herzegovina and the messages of Our Lady. We are all called to return to Jesus and live the messages of Peace, reconciliation, love and especially conversion. We are here to support one another in living the messages and spreading them in the United States of America in our own communities.