Portrait Art Limited Cover Image
Portrait Art Limited Profile Picture
Portrait Art Limited
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******* 10 YEARS !!! *******

I started carrying a camera at the age of ten. In another season in another land, I had a physical studio and was the newspaper photographer in my town.

My current photographic endeavors began in May of 2014 and have grown to four brands:


I am appreciative and grateful to all those who have contributed to my education, as well as those who have supported and encouraged me. I am VERY grateful to all of you!


AND THEN THIS HAPPENED . . . "The degree of Associate Fellow of Photography by the Wisconsin Professional Photographers Association for photographic excellence and selfless service to WPPA and the profession of photography."

I am grateful.


LAST WEEK . . . Best of Category Award in Wisconsin Professional Photographers Association State Print/Image Competition and and Outstanding Service recognition for serving as President of the WPPA this past year. I now serve on the Board of Directors as Past President.

#photoslimited #milwaukeeheadshots



Fine Art Portraiture Design based in Milwaukee, Wisconsin USA.

Bill Sargent, portrait artist, decorates homes with commissioned designer portrait art galleries.

Award-winning Certified Professional Photographer
President of the Wisconsin Professional Photographers Association
Member of the Professional Photographers of America