Notch, the billionaire creator of Minecraft, says "Q is legit, don't trust the media."
#qanon #q #democrats #MAGA #AmericaFirst

Notch, the billionaire creator of Minecraft, says "Q is legit, don't trust the media."
#qanon #q #democrats #MAGA #AmericaFirst
Red Pill Media New flash: Palestinian Christians exist.
However, there is no such thing as a Jewish Christian.
Not entirely true. Google "Messianic Jews." I would not have you remain ignorant.
Messianic Jew? Why Not Christian?
Reptilians? Really? So-called 'reptilians' are NOT biblical, so you some of you people really need to open your Bible and quit being so gullible!
Here's what I found doing a keyword search on Bible Gateway dot com:
Sorry, we didn’t find any results for your search. Please try the following:
Double-check spelling, especially people and place names.
Make sure there are spaces between words. Bible Gateway treats “nameoftheFather” and “name of the Father” differently.
Use fewer words in your search, especially if you’re unsure of the exact phrase. For example, “baptizing name Father” and “baptizing them in the name of the Father” will both return Matthew 28:19; however, the latter leaves a greater chance for spelling and syntax errors.
Retry your search in another translation.
J6 Eyewitness: Antifa Identified as Rioters
One of only 7 arrested at the Capitol on 1-21-2021, J6er Doug Sweet was taken in handcuffs by police, through a congressional tramway tunnel between the Capitol and a congressional office building about 7PM. He was with 5 other detained individuals, 3 likely Antifa, who were subsequently released, and 2 patriot females who, beaten by police, remember nothing of that walk thru the tunnel.
Doug states there were huge piles of discarded black Antifa type clothing littering the tunnel floor!
Doug is the only civilian talking about what he saw. Congress, Capitol Police, where is the camera footage of this tunnel? This is a must watch!
The truth is now being exposed.
Inside the Biggest, Toughest, & Possibly Most Secure Prison in El Salvador; if Not the World!
We gained access to the biggest, toughest, and possibly most secure prison in El Salvador, if not the entire world. Fifteen thousand prisoners are locked up here, most of whom will never leave alive. The prison is the symbol of a relentless crackdown on gangs by the 42-year-old president of El Salvador, Nayib Bukele.
With more than 3,000 homicides per year for a population of six million, El Salvador has long held the record of being the most dangerous country in the world. This insecurity was caused by gang warfare between MS13 and Barrio 18. To combat this violence, El Salvador’s young president, Nayib Bukele, declared a ruthless war on gangs. Over 75,000 people accused of being members of MS 13 and Barrio 18 have been arrested and thrown into prison. An extraordinary penitentiary was built especially for them: the CECOT (Terrorism Containment Center). It’s the biggest prison in the world.
In El Salvador, the policy of repression is bearing fruit. Neighborhoods that were once run by killers are now calm. Buoyed by the support of the population, who are delighted to be living in peace at last, the President continues his merciless manhunt for gang members. The last ones still at large are fleeing abroad. We spoke to one former gang member, now on the run.
But, as documented by Amnesty International, the crackdown has also resulted in systemic human rights abuses. The police are under pressure to meet arrest quotas, innocent people have been arrested and their families struggle to get them released. These “blunders” do not thwart President Bukele’s security policy. To show that his country is now totally secure, last November he organized the Miss Universe election and has embraced his title of ’the world’s coolest dictator’.
El Salvador has offered to President Trump to take ALL criminal deportees from the US & imprison them. Sounds like an offer we shouldn't refuse! El Salvador offers to take all criminal deportees from the US, as well as American citizens behind bars.
DESTROYING AMERICA: The CIA’s Quest to Control the Government
Liz Cheney is a Deep State CIA officer who became a Member of Congress in violation of the U.S. Constitution.
Every patriot should read “Destroying America: The CIA’s Quest to Control the Government.”
With Pelosi’s blessing, the CIA orchestrated everything on J6.
CIA officers used “police covers” when they moved barricades aside and ushered protesters over to the Capitol building.
CIA officers were in the crowd perpetrating violence and stirring up anger among the protesters.
Garland and Wray are CIA officers. They were illegally using “official covers” as Attorney General and FBI Director.
And because the CIA could not get rid of Trump with a phony riot, they tried to kill him in July 2024.
Official documents state that CIA officers are “detailed by the CIA” to be Secret Service agents. We all know they allowed Crooks to open fire on Trump.
The CIA spent decades building up its control before stealing the 2020 election. Cheney is gone, but the CIA still controls both parties in Congress.
To repeat, every patriot should read “Destroying America: The CIA’s Quest to Control the Government.”