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When faced with a single missing tooth, you have multiple options for restoration, with dental implants and dental bridges being two common choices. Each option has its own advantages and considerations. In this article, we'll compare single tooth implants and dental bridges to help you make an informed decision about which treatment is right for you.

Single Tooth Implants
1. Permanent Solution:
Implant Stability: A single tooth implant is a standalone replacement that is anchored securely into the jawbone, providing long-term stability and permanence.
2. Preserves Adjacent Teeth:
Minimal Alteration: Unlike dental bridges, single tooth implants do not require the alteration of adjacent healthy teeth. This preserves the integrity of neighboring teeth.
3. Aesthetics:
Natural Appearance: Implants are designed to match the color, shape, and size of your natural teeth, resulting in a seamless and aesthetically pleasing smile.
4. Oral Health Benefits