The second eBook in my Life Lessons series is : Life Lessons: Unfeigned Christianity


Life Lessons: True Christianity is my first eBook in a three part series. You can visit my website to get a complete breakdown of each chapter in each book. Just follow this link:



I am the author of Life Lessons: A series of eBooks about Christian faith and discipleship. There will be many more eBooks following these three that are listed. They will be posted and up for sale as they are completed. If anyone wants to ground their faith or revisit areas of discipline they may have forgotten then these eBooks are excellent reading materials. If you want to see each books and what is contained in each chapter as well as free downloadable PDF worksheets then you can visit my website:

You can also take a peek inside each book on my book store site by clicking on the top right corner where it says look inside. Here are the links for each book:
Life Lessons:True Christianity-
Life Lessons: Unfeigned Christianity-

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