I am working to have daily Bible reading and Christian prayer in schools again. This is urgently needed, because the public school system’s anti-Christian education is dangerous to children’s souls and is a major reason for the crime, violence, gangs and deterioration that students and the nation face. Learn more... #jesussaves


Steven Andrew Calls for Bible Reading and Christian Prayer to Be Back in Schools to Save Children's Souls from Hell

Steven Andrew Calls for Bible Reading and Christian Prayer to Be Back in Schools to Save Children's Souls from Hell

Everyday we are saving souls!

Watch. No King But King Jesus!

Important. Learn how to have God's favor and blessings.

Share video: https://rumble.com/v3sjlvf-ste....ven-andrew-no-king-b

God's judgment on the economy, national security and healthcare won't end without agreeing to obey God that marriage is one man and one woman only. God is love. What does God say about 'LGBT'? With compassion for people, here is God's love and truth from the Holy Bible. It is urgent we repent as a nation and follow God to save America.

This teaching on God's love is from Romans 1:22-32, Deuteronomy 22:5 and Jude 7. https://www.bitchute.com/video/KZuT8KpyjVCZ/

URGENT. Daily Pray for God to Raise Up Christian leaders only Immediately

Watch. Christian Nation Representatives to Replace those Disobeying God Now. OUR REVIVAL IS BRINGING MANY CHRISTIAN VICTORIES THAT WOULD NOT HAVE HAPPENED. Keep standing for God with me daily. Our revival turned the tide. More big breakthroughs are about to happen!

Lord, we thank You for a Christian nation government now. In Jesus' name. Amen.

To heal our land, Steven Andrew calls the USA to pray God's known will to have representatives that "fear God". Pray! "The Bible says God's will is a covenant Christian nation government now. Exodus 18:21, Psalm 2, Mark 12:30, Isaiah 33:22..." Steven Andrew https://rumble.com/v1yyqu9-sav............e-america-re


To save the USA and to defend Christianity, Steven Andrew is leading the nation to reaffirm covenant that the USA serves the Lord. Andrew leads the group "America Is on the Lord's Side" with many top Christians and pastors, and is pastor of USA Christian Church.