See if you think that this PC friendly joke to promote 'woke comedy' is funny:

"What did the Indigenous women say to the non-binary person of color? It doesn't matter because these people aren't here to be the punch line!"

It's as funny as a burning orphanage.

People's obsession with Identity Politics has almost ruined comedy. People like John Oliver and Stephen Colbert still get some audiences for their stale repetitive Trump bashing monologues. But's it's a different story for the likes of Samantha Bee, who's humor consists mainly of angry swearing, and screaming at peoples. Bee has lost a whopping 47 % of her viewership since 2017. Adopting this angry, sanctimonious, righteously indignant posture for nearly every single skit gets tiresome in a hurry. And let's not forget Trevor "I'm black" Noah.

Constantly picking on easy targets like 'dumb Trump supporters', playing on laborious stereotypes about blue collars isn't original. It's intellectually lazy, and it's been done to death. The backlash to 'woke comedy' isn't just about creating politically incorrect comedy to exact some kind of revenge about ideological revenge. It's about being FUNNY.

Amy Schumer and Lena Dunham talking about her vagina (or their sister's vagina) over and over again are not funny. Michelle Wolf slurring put predictable punch lines in front of a sycophantic audience, who will laugh at anything she says as long as anti-Trump - isn't funny! Sarah Silverman awkwardly crowbarring cliche crap about white privilege into a comedy routine isn't funny. Trans improv performers making punchlines 'less Cis' - once again, isn't funny!

You can't make something funny just by imbuing it with some pretentious moralizing social justice call. That-is-not-how-humor-works! Many have forgotten how to be funny. They seem to have no self-awareness of the fact that they are no longer the counter-culture. You cannot be edgy, rebellious and daring if you are just parroting establishment, dominant cultural narratives. It's not funny.

Comedians are constantly petrified of offending somebody, and they are walking on eggshells. It inhibits creative freedom. It stifles the very thought process which makes a good comedy, which stems from their willingness to offend everybody.

Sarah Silverman used to be funny. Now she sounds like someone turned her into a Stepford Wife. People like Chris Rock have stopped performing in front of college audiences because the snowflakes just can't handle it. Will Comedy Central broadcast what they did 5 years ago?

A former head of BBC said that Monty Python, which was universally recognized as one of the funniest comedy sketches of all times, wouldn't be commissioned today because it's 'too white'. The Pythons would have gotten the firing squad today for their material.

Co-writer Stephen Merchant said that The Office would not get commissioned by the BBC today because it's the political agendas that dictate what can and cannot be joked about. British Comedy was once the envy of the world. Now you put people in jail for offensive jokes. They produce humor holocaust instead. Oops. Anyhow, this goes back to prioritizing identity politics over being funny. Being funny should be the number one priority of producing humor.

Since most intersectional PC nonsense is promoted by governments, academic institutions and large corporations; politically incorrect comedy is not losing its demand among those who thirst for real comedy. Roseanne revival had a massive rating before she was taken off the air. 25 Million viewers! The first episode of Cobra Kai was watched by nearly 40 Million people! Nearly all the remaining anti-PC comedians have huge successes, despite all the efforts to shut them up.

Mel Brookes said, "our stupidly politically correct society is the death of comedy."

The revolt against the blank, sterile, castrated bore feast that represents the contemporary mainstream comedy should be in full swing. It's another battle in the culture war against miserable pearl clutching self-important prudes, who are determined to make everything tedious - enjoyable. Genuinely authentic, offensive, but most importantly, funny comedy needs to be reinvigorated. This is a battle that must be won.

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