Thanks for making this such a fun group during the holidays on USA Life! We'll pick back up in full next Christmas season starting in November 2025. For now, anytime you need some Christmas cheer, whether it's winter, spring, summer, or fall, feel free to visit and/or post Christmas related stuff.

Have a great New Year!


Wait! Christmas is over? It's too cold and snowy for me to retrieve my outdoor ornaments and lights, and my snowmen and gnomes are buried deep under this miserable snow someone jinxed us with. So, it's still Christmas for some of us way up north LOL

9 w - Youtube

This is still an encouraging song today!

Do You Hear What I Hear

This Christmas season is over, but don't forget the words of Santa Claus in 'Frosty the Snowman'

"Don't cry, Karen, Frosty's not gone for good. You see, he was made out of Christmas snow and Christmas snow can never disappear completely. It sometimes goes away for almost a year at a time and takes the form of spring and summer rain. But you can bet your boots that when a good, jolly December wind kisses it, it will turn into Christmas snow all over again."

11 w - Youtube

Greg S. and everyone... I just want to say THANK YOU for a really great group, everyone contributed top-quality content, making this a bright spot to look forward to each day.

Now with Epiphany today, the Christmas season is passing... actually has passed... and while I carry Him in my heart I am already looking forward to next year to all the outward expressions which Christmas brings.

For now, I'll share the old Nat King Cole song, "The Party's Over."
(Doesn't quite fit the mood... but I haven't found anything that does!)
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Celebrating the Christmas Season from the start in November until Three Kings Day in January! Post Christmas art, memories, music, nostalgia, history, movies, memes, etc..