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Catch the replay of today's Wednesday Refresh here - I spend some talking about how we can be less like Reuben and more Zebulun from Deborah's story in Judges 4-5.
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#lessonsfromdeborah #godlywomen #diligence

Here is today's Wednesday Refresh! We are learning lessons about our influence and power from women of the Bible! Check it out - Subscribe - and Click the Bel so you will be notified when new videos are loaded.

Catch the replay of today's Wednesday Refresh and join the discussion about lessons we can learn from Ruth in the Bible #lessonsfromruth #31daysofwomen


Ruth had a choice to make when Naomi decide to go back to Israel.
She decided to go along with her mother-in-law instead of staying in her own home country with her own people (Ruth 1:8-15).
She did more than just choose Naomi. She chose Naomi's people and she chose Naomi's God.
Jesus tells us that choosing to follow Him, we gain more family than we lose (Mk. 10:29-3. He also shows us that spiritual family is better than physical family (Mt. 12:48-50; Mk. 3:33-35; Jn. 19:26-27).

Take a minute and say a prayer thanking God for the spiritual family you have gained.
And maybe take another minute, to send a text, give a call, or send an email to those who have been as your family in your spiritual walk.


Catch the replay of today's Wednesday Refresh right here! We are taking Lessons from Ruth in the Bible.

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Find resources and encouragement for growing in grace and truth. Discover your value as God sees you and find your purpose so you can be confident in your daily walk as a Christian woman.