Freedom of speech is not always easy. The first amendment is not there to protect the things we all agree with. It is there to protect that speech which makes our blood boil and which may challenge our beliefs. It is there to insure that EVERYONE may say what they think or believe with no fear of retribution for speaking the truth. The very narrow exceptions are only when that speech is intended to directly harm another due to that speech...AKA directly trying to deny another their own pursuit of life, liberty and the pursuit of their own happiness.

If freedom of speech were meant to be infringed upon, I would have been able to attack those assholes in Westboro Baptist a long time ago.


If you came to this site, you are probably looking for something very different and unlike that other (SOVIET style) social media site. If you have served in/Retired from the US Military, you're welcome here. Like any sibling rivalry, I am sure there will be some insults flyin around, but let's all remember one thing. We ALL were on the same team. We ALL took an oath to defend this nation from all enemies. We ALL swore to uphold the US Constitution.