Welcome to February! The #birthstone for this month is the #amethyst. It is a symbol of #chastity #sobriety #wisdom #strength and #confidence. It was believed to call out the #highest and #purest #aspirations of #mankind. Find it on Etsy or VitaArt.org #speakforlife


What holds you back? Buy Vita pins and put them everywhere. Buy pendants and tell your story. VitaArt is more than just a business to sell merchandise. Partner with VitaArt to #speakforlife while #sharingstories and #celebratinglife. We want to re-dignify life’s value with you.


For many, it is now #2020, a new decade, a new year, a new day with new #opportunities and new #hope. #life is still #precious. Consider perusing VitaArt.org for #beautiful #new jewelry to spark conversations about the #value of life. Happy New Year! #gift #memory


Gifts can be simple. They often express love, honor, and relationship. Over the next 2-3 weeks, many will celebrate joyous occasions with family and friends by giving gifts, either with #hanukkah or #christmas. #life is the first #gift to be given. It is precious and miraculous!


You know VitaArt for the beautiful pendant. VitaArt is about ready to add a pin. Display it on your collar or lapel or on your purse or backpack? What other creative ways can you think of? Share them in the comments. Come and see it! https://www.vitaart.org/vita-pin.aspx
#prolife #pin #gift



VitaArt creates jewelry to celebrate and remember the intrinsic value of life at all stages. Find us on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and other platforms. We have a website https://www.VitaArt.org. We also have store on Etsy. https://www.etsy.com/shop/MyVitaJewelry