Saint Maximilian Kolbe Radio Net
S P 3 R N
- A Catholic Lay Ministry -
7241 khz Sundays at 2400Z (8 PM EDST)
14,341 khz Sundays at 2200Z (5 PM CST)
TGIF DMR Network Talk Group 3814 Sundays immediately after the 40 Meter Net
Saint Maximilian Kolbe Radio Net
S P 3 R N
- A Catholic Lay Ministry -
7241 khz Sundays at 2400Z (8 PM EDST)
14,341 khz Sundays at 2200Z (5 PM CST)
TGIF DMR Network Talk Group 3814 Sundays immediately after the 40 Meter Net
STRONGEST SOLAR FLARE OF THE CURRENT CYCLE: Sunspot AR3664 just unleashed the strongest solar flare of the current solar cycle--an X8.7-category blast from beyond the sun's western limb. X marks the spot in this image of the flare from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory: