Are you born again and saved? If not, what are you waiting for? If you die in your sin and without Yeshua (Jesus), you are not going to heaven. Period! No, there are NOT many paths to heaven. No, not everyone is going to make it to heaven either! Sadly, many will not. Yeshua (Jesus) said it himself and there will be some that sadly will hear these words from him, "Depart from me, you worker of iniquity. I knew you not." The world has many tales, fables and fantasies to tickle your ears with. These are lies from satan himself, meant to trip you up and those serving him are serving a defeated foe. Yeshua (Jesus) defeated him already at Calvary. Freedom is in Yeshua (Jesus) and no one can take that from you. Whom the son sets free is free indeed. This world is only temporary. No one will live in the earthly body forever. But there is eternity. Where do you want to spend it? Your choice! Hell was not made for humans but many who are serving the devil will be going there, sadly. It is a fact. It is written. It is biblical. God is a merciful God, but he also will judge and he is Kadosh (Holy). Sin will never stand before a Holy God. Choose this day whom you will serve. Yeshua (Jesus) said "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one will come to the Father but by me." He loved humanity so much that he died for all of us to redeem us from sin and reconcile us to the Father, so that we may have eternal life and be with him forever. This is the ONLY way. The devil is a liar, a cheater, a thief and a counterfeit. You want to serve that?! I sure hope not. Just going to church or synagogue does not grant you a right to get to heaven either. You must be born again. This is the second birth and it is not of the flesh. It is of the spirit. Choose this day whom you will serve. Come out of the darkness of the world and into the light. Come to a Savior, a Messiah who loves you. Only Yeshua (Jesus) can save you. If you are not saved, Pastor Noll or I will gladly pray with you and if you want to do it privately, every video teaching and service I post, there is an altar call. God knows your heart and he will see you. The peace you will find is in Yeshua (Jesus) who gives us the peace that passes all understanding. This world cannot give you that at all and no human being can either. Trust in the Lord. He is faithful and true and is steadfast. God bless. Pastor Karen


On Rumble:
Here is this week’s Bible Study for Way Maker Messianic Jewish and Christian Center – USA. – Tanakh (The Holy Scriptures) The New JPS - Proverbs 1-16. – There is also an Altar Call and closure of this week’s Bible Study at the end. (This is an additional Bible Study –The Tanakh which comprises of the Torah, Nevim/Prophets and Ketuvim/Writings)

2 d - Youtube

On YouTube:
Here is this week’s Bible Study for Way Maker Messianic Jewish and Christian Center – USA. – Tanakh (The Holy Scriptures) The New JPS - Proverbs 1-16. – There is also an Altar Call and closure of this week’s Bible Study at the end. (This is an additional Bible Study –The Tanakh which comprises of the Torah, Nevim/Prophets and Ketuvim/Writings)

2 d - Youtube

Gatherhouse Music - I Love You Lord (To My King) [Live] with Ryan Kennedy & Durell Comedy

You Invite me
To Sit Down at Your Table
Where I can Taste
And I can See
That You are Good
And You are Always Faithful
To Welcome me
The Least of these
And You Bring Beauty
Out of the Ashes
To Restore and to Redeem
So I have Come
To Pour out all my Oil
All I Have this Offering
I Love You Lord, I Love You
I Wanna Sing a Sweet
Sweet Melody
To Tell You, I Love You
Oh Let It be a Sweet
Sweet Melody
To my King, to my King
You Inhabit the Praise
Of Your People
So I Know You're Here
Right Now
And with Your Spirit
Stirring all Around Me
Before Your Glory I Bow
I Love You Lord, I Love You
I Wanna Sing a Sweet
Sweet Melody
To Tell You, I Love You
Oh Let It be a Sweet
Sweet Melody
I Love You Lord, I Love You
I Wanna Sing a Sweet
Sweet Melody
To Tell You, I Love You
Oh Let It be a Sweet
Sweet Melody
To my King,
In my Coming and my Going
I will Praise You
From the Evening
Through the Morning
I will Praise You
When I Rise and when I Fall
I will Praise You through It All
And I will Sing a Love Song
To My King
And when I'm Lonely
And I'm Doubting
I Will Praise You
And on the Mountain
When I'm Shouting
I Will Praise You
And when I Rise, and When I Fall
I Will Praise You
Through It All
And I Will Sing
A Love Song to My King
I Love You Lord, I Love You
I Wanna Sing a Sweet
Sweet Melody
To Tell You, I Love You
Oh Let It be a Sweet
Sweet Melody
I Love You Lord, I Love You
I Wanna Sing a Sweet
Sweet Melody
To Tell You, I Love You
Oh Let It be a Sweet
Sweet Melody
To my King,
In my Coming and my Going
I will Praise You
From the Evening
Through the Morning
I will Praise You
When I Rise and when I Fall
I will Praise You through It All
And I will Sing a Love Song
To My King
And when I'm Lonely
And I'm Doubting
I Will Praise You
And on the Mountain
When I'm Shouting
I Will Praise You
And when I Rise, and When I Fall
I Will Praise You
Through It All
And I Will Sing
A Love Song to My King
And I Love You Lord
And I Lift my Voice
To Worship You
Oh my Soul Rejoice
Take Joy my King
In what you Hear
Let It be a Sweet
Sweet Sound in your Ear
Take Joy my King
In What you Hear
Let It be a Sweet, Sweet Sound
Let It be a Sweet, Sweet Sound
Let It be a Sweet
Sweet Sound in Your Ear

2 d - Youtube

MercyMe - Love of God
The love of God is greater far
Than tongue or pen can ever tell
It goes beyond the highest star
And reaches to the lowest hell
The guilty pair, bowed down with care
God gave His Son to win
His erring child He reconciled
And pardoned from his sin
Could we with ink the ocean fil
And were the skies of parchment made
Were every stalk on earth a quill
And every man a scribe by trade
To write the love of God above
Would drain the ocean dry
Nor could the scroll contain the whole
Though stretched from sky to sky
Hallelujah 3x
O love of God, how rich and pure!
How measureless and strong!
It shall forevermore endure
The saints' and angels' song


Way Maker Messianic Jewish and Christian Center is a non profit organization & a Charismatic Multi-Cultural Non Denominational online & International community of Messianic Jewish & Christian believers. A community combined - Jewish & Gentile believers in Yeshua (Jesus) The Completed Body of Messiah Together as one. (Based on Ephesians CH. 2). - Pastor J. Allen Noll, Senior Pastor Pastor Karen L. Hertzog, Pastor of Messianic Jewish Ministry Rosalie Dela Cerna, Director of Ministry Operations