There are 750 Members of this Group ............ Is anyone listening at all?
I will be making an announcement on Monday December 28, 2020 regarding all
the mess going on in our Nation today as it relates to the Watchmen Of America
If you are receiving this message, please let me know that you have been alerted
and will be taking notice of my upcoming message.

Have a Safe and Happy Holiday
Thank you

1st Officer

Hope for a nation in which a majority of its population admits that Jesus physically rose from the dead.

And we are not fighting for the minds, hearts, souls, and the welfare of the future generations hard enough. It is not just the educators who are failing the children with whom they have been entrusted nor is it just the entertainment industry, but so are parents and religious leaders.

Christians in Nigeria increasingly frustrated with either the inability or unwillingness of their respective government to protect them from the intense and violent persecution they face from Islamists and to the point of discussing as to whether or not to take matters into their own hands protect themselves.

If the civic authorities cannot or will not defend you from those who would do you harm, then what else is there to do but take matters into your own hands to protect yourself and those whom you hold dear?


We are dedicated to bringing people together in communities all across America for building awareness, strength and security.