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ChrisPerrine shared a post  
5 yrs

5 yrs

Congressman Jeff Van Drew is a Courageous Leader who defended me against Pelosi’s Impeachment Scam and is a conservative who shares our Republican values. Jeff is a fighter for South Jersey and will always put America First. Vote for Jeff! https://secure.winred.com/van-....drew-for-congress/do




This is a closed group of God fearing American Patriots who share common Christian values/morals, conservative political views, an abiding love for our country/countrymen, and understand the importance of the family unit. We love America and pledge to preserve our American culture and great heritage.
We believe in American exceptionalism and the Constitution of the United States of America. We proudly support our military, law enforcement, and first responders. We honor our veterans and are forever grateful for their service and will al