Some of the new daylilies I added to my collection this summer! Can't wait to cross these next June!

Some of the new daylilies I added to my collection this summer! Can't wait to cross these next June!
For the first time in a long time, I was able to harvest 265 seed pods from crosses made this June. We moved last fall to a new home and we no longer have DEER eating our entire garden. There is a process to starting the seeds. This year I used snack size baggies and cotton pads, dampened the pads, folded the seeds inside like a taco, and then put in the baggie. I put all the baggies in containers in my attic where it was hot - they sprouted in a few days. Here's a sample of what they looked like. I bought a small greenhouse in late summer - it has proved a lifesaver in getting the sprouted seeds to grow larger.
I fell in love with hemerocallis, also known as daylilies about 15 years ago. I began hybridizing them about 10 years ago. Daylilies are one of the best perennials to grow because they are so resilient - you just about can't kill them! The modern daylily comes in many shapes and colors with ruffled edges, contrasting eyes, doubling, bearding, etc. Daylily hybridizing is big business! Daylily blooms only last one day, thus the name, but many varieties carry multiple buds so the blooms just keep on coming! In zone 7, daylily peak bloom is the month of June. This page is for questions about daylilies, searches for specific daylilies, daylily sales, & hybridizing info.