I have my own YouTube Channel of which I am starting to share some of my music. Please check it out.......and, keep in mind, too, it's a work in progress as I am learning how to improve upon sharing my music, techniques of adding back tracking and the like. https://www.youtube.com/feed/my_videos

Über Uns

Welcome to our wee group. I am slowly trying to recreate it from FB since I can no longer access FB and permanently banned even though I didn't violate their so-called Community Standards, and they don't tell you. At any rate, back to the POSITIVE side of things - new beginnings. I am going to positively approach this in a positive light that blessings come in small disguises and even with the darkest of clouds there is always that silver lining. So, here we are.......New beginnings. Please add your friends to here, too. It will be a