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Blossom Heart and Home
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“An observant child should be put in the way of things worth observing.” ~ Charlotte Mason


Family, faith, and freedom are the founding principles of life. A quick dive into my family history reminds me just how foundational these principles are. Be sure to check out the list of creative action ideas at the end of this post. But first, let’s travel back in time to the American Civil War and The Battle of Gettysburg:


Good Better Best are three categories under which our daily activities might fall. It’s called the Good Better Best philosophy.

Many years ago, I sat in a large congregation where the speaker posed the question,

“What comes to mind when you think of false traditions?”

Immediately, my mind went to the people of another country, a people I had grown to dearly love, but who, I felt, had strong ties to false tradition, ties I felt were holding them back in their lives.

Interrupting my (somewhat self-righteous) thoughts, the speaker posed a second question,

“Now, consider what false traditions you have in your life right now. “

I was so taken aback by his question, I nearly fell off my chair...

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Good Better Best are three categories under which our daily activities might fall. It's called the Good Better Best philosophy.

New Year’s resolutions come in all shapes and sizes. Here are eight resolution ideas to inspire change in the New Year:



Heart-based learning and living ● Inspiration for the whole family ● Family ● Faith ● Education ● Wellness