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It's time to move past frustration, anger, hopelessness into a new paradigm... we're calling it HEALING AMERICA, and it is about fresh vision, encouragement, and strategies in the Holy Spirit.

We are here for "such a time as this," and God knows exactly how we are to walk with Him and demonstrate His Kingdom to a very lost and confused world. Please prayfully consider connecting and networking with www.christianbody.net as we are committed to "Knitting and Netting The Body of Christ Together," so that the "World Will Know That He is Alive," John 17.


39 w

Justin Hawkins, NBA Basketball Player and coach on MNA....


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SPECIAL SESSION TONIGHT AT 6 MT. Aaron Judkins, Archeologist will be on with us tonight. Many of us were on the team that went to Ten Commandments Rock (near Las Lunas) this past weekend, so looking forward to this interview with Aaron. IT'S A GREAT MYSTERY... Join us at www.christianbody.net (also on FB, Twitter, YT, Roku, AppleTV, etc.

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We've just launched Prayer At The Heart of Every County and Tribe in NM. Join in this historic stand for our State, Communities, families, and way of life. Join with us in prayer even if you are in another State of Country.. Other States and Counties are doing this all over the US.

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2026 yrs - Youtube

2 yrs

Alan continues this amazing series... it's disciple making using Jesus' pattern. Not a program, it's an effective strategy to bring new believers up to speed that anyone can use.


Many voices proclaiming the Lordship of Jesus Christ and the oneness of HIS body! Join us 24/7 at https://www.zeno.fm/christianbodynet or by phone at (641) 741-1098. CBNet Christian Talk Radio. LIVE Monday night at 7 Mountain.