The pre-cover to RULES OF ENGAGEMENT. it's here. 2 small changes and this military/thriller will be here soon.


No commenting/promoting today. I am reading *non-Christian* books by Piper and Holmes, a spy thriller. First is Leopard of Cairo. Really well done but some swearing no f bombs. tho. A twisty/turny book about the Vatican's involvement in the masonic movement and their own spies.

#romanticsuspense/forensics/policeprocedurals I am LOVING because I am able to seriously flesh out the things I need for characters even the victims. The behavioral analyst/forensic scientist goes through and views the victim before they died. This is essential to finding the killer and the ability to profile not just the killer but why he/she has chosen those victims.

kewl beans.

If you've read "Romance Under Wraps" you may enjoy the sequel, "Glass Slipper." Several of the supporting characters from the first novel show up too. If I get finished with that, I may indeed have this out by early 2023, Lord willing.

"Rules of Engagement" ... hopefully out this year. Praying that there are not a zillion edits.

"Romance Under Wraps" ---- on the shelf.
"Rules of Engagement" ---- with the publisher
"Glass Slipper" ---- in writing/rewriting stage. "Glass Slipper" is a sequel, crime/police procedural/forensics. Amateur sleuth (Jack) works with his new tech to find a serial killer.

Got a few more characters fleshed out last night for the 3 (at least) more sequels to the Whiskey River Series (Romance Under Wraps is number one). Which is why I am giving the characters involved sinew, tendons, muscles, and flesh.

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Like military/medical thrillers? torn from the news? Want to be on a launch team for Rules of Engagement? ARC comes out in April or May. Free copy to you and a prayerful request for a review on Amazon or Goodreads, or Facebook etc. Message me and I'll put you on the list.



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