Hi Classic Hollywood friends and fellow Vintage Entertainment lovers! Thank you for joining me here in this group. I am so thrilled to set up this space dedicated to all the wonderful movies, music, tv shows, etc. from the 1920s-1960s. If, like me, you miss the days when entertainment was wholesome, celebrities were classy, and a political agenda was not pushed at every turn, then this is the place for you!
Feel free to share all your favorite things pop culture from Classic Hollywood, and invite your friends to join in the fun!
Just a bit of housekeeping, but please read and respect the rules of the group.
*Please be kind and courteous to all members.
*Please keep all posts related to the topic of this group.
*Please refrain from demeaning or slandering any celebrity or project. We all have our faults, but this group is dedicated to remembering the positive and beautiful people and projects from Classic Hollywood.
*Please refrain from posting nudity, profanity, dirty stories or jokes, etc.
*Any posts or comments deemed inappropriate will be removed by the admin.
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#vintage #oldmovies #classicmusic #classichollywood #goldenera #hollywoodgoldenera #wholeseomeentertainment #vintageentertainment #retro #oldhollywood #oldfashioned #classicmovies #vitnagemusic #vintagestyle

15 hrs - PlayTube

Cavalry Command (1958) -Adventure, Romance, War
[An American cavalry brigade is sent to occupy a small Filipino village in 1902 and quell guerilla resistance in the surrounding jungle. Working with the people to build roads, schools, and bridges, they prove that the most important thing an army can have is "good will and integrity." * Staring - John Agar, Pancho Magalona, Alicia Vergel]


This is a group dedicated to the appreciation and preservation of vintage movies, music, tv shows, celebrities, stories, pop culture, etc. of The Golden Era of Hollywood, specifically the 1920s through 1960s.
*Please keep all posts related to the topic of this group.
*Please refrain from demeaning or slandering any celebrity or project. This group is dedicated to remembering the positive and beautiful things from Classic Hollywood.
*Please refrain from posting nudity, profanity, dirty stories or jokes, etc.