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Christian Party of Arizona
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(928) 263-0089

Here's a timely rendition of this now classic (and my all-time favorite) Christmas song--"Mary Did You Know"--that shouldn't be a stumbling block to not only our Church of Christ brethren, but also to those on the liberal left, i.e., multiculturalist, side of the sociopolitical spectrum:

For all of you fickle followers of (and voters for) the fumbling fool we now have in the Oval Office, are you experiencing maybe just a tinge of remorse yet? I'm afraid it's a little too late to say you're sorry now.... Sadly, we've become a nation of idiots run by idiots. SMH ?



For Arizona to arrive at the right destination for our country, it must get on the right track. We need an uncompromising Christian constitutionalist party to provide true statesmen for all political offices, such as the Founders envisioned.