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Family quail hunting

With younger children, both under 10, doing things as a family is usually limited in some ways. We will not give a dime of our money or a moment of our time to the likes of Disney so thankfully most theme parks are off the menu. We took them fishing In Alaska last year for the first time, a real roll of the dice, and the outcome was awesome. We try to fish locally when it works out and I am getting my daughter into fly fishing if at all possible but you cant avoid the normal stuff. My son is into legos, pirates and the normal boy stuff, my daughter has regular girl things she likes to do as well but I try to influence where I can.

We used to big game hunt (my wife and I) a lot together before children showed up, once they did, I was pretty much on my own from there on out which is where my dog hunting buddy came into play. He and I have hunted many a field, hillside, lake edge and bottom together and at 7, were fairly in tune with each other. We have to hunt public land mostly so although he is a pointing lab, there isn’t much pointing or holding going on as wild pressured birds have a tendency to run or flush when the dog gets anywhere near them. This means you run. Especially here in Idaho, if the dog starts looking birdy, you just flat run to where the dogs are and be ready to suddenly stop and shoot at any time. Bring comfortable boots and get ready to huff and puff.

Fast forward to yesterday when we decided to take the kids out with both hunting dogs for quail. Covid has been the stupidest blown out of proportion thing I’ve ever seen. It fully accomplished it’s goal of purposely screwing up an election, the economy and the most powerful and affluent society in the world thanks solely to the organized crime syndicate called “the media”. Another unintended consequence of this stupidity has been everyone being sedentary, with kids as no exception. With school out, parents don’t have the regimented PE at home that a PE teacher has at school. PE teachers are graded on children’s heath and their only job IS physical education. Like or hate public school, that part seems to at least anecdotally work. Kids wont work themselves as hard as a PE teacher will and most parents don’t push the issue whatsoever.

Needless to say, my kids are out of shape. Its not like I am the bastion of exercise and physical fitness but I try to get out and really work myself on the weekends. Quail hunting here in Idaho is grueling. These quail don’t have the good sense to live on flat ground where access is easy and the walking is nice and smooth, no, these little satanic birds like to live on steep hillsides and refuse to hold for my dogs,,,, or me. So flushes are usually wild and although they like to be on hard to walk/climb hillsides, there no telling which hillside they will actually be on.

The first covey was big and about 15 feet from the truck. Although my family daily lives with 2 hunting dogs, nobody seems to remember that they will quarter for birds in the living room if you say “bird” loud enough. We let the dogs out of the truck and were leisurely getting everyone’s gear together when the dogs flushed a covey of 20 birds no more than 15 feet from the truck. We would end up seeing maybe 2-3 of these birds later but they were in no way interested in holding for us in the slightest. 3 other family members learned the hard way, you don’t let the dogs out until your ready to go and the guns are loaded.

When I was the age of either of my kids, I could go for miles, because I did go for miles. We have tablets now a days, couches on which to stare at them on and that’s in essence what we do instead of walking dogs. Pain of any kind is considered bad, like sore legs, stretching lungs,,,,,, all pain is bad now a days. Wise up kids of 2020, pain is coming for the rest of your life. Run, lift, stretch, you’ll be glad you did later. The kids couldn’t keep pace with the dogs, which were keeping pace with the birds which meant we were nowhere near most of the birds when they flushed. I was a few times but as I needed people to help me spread out and pinch the birds in, I was relegated to watching bird flush way ahead of us.

All in all, not a bad day for a gang that had 3 inexperienced out of shape hunters and only one aging experienced hunter with 1 experienced dog and one immature one. Everyone seemed to have a good time and we got a bird in hand. You cant hardly beat that. Sure, Id have loved to had half a limit of quail but everyone got to see birds, see the dogs work and even hold a bird so it was a success.

Got over the frustration of the fact that your kids (and if your lucky like me, your wife hunts) and wife may not be on par with your old hunting buddies afield but your BUILDING not just the next generation of hunters, but as well, your hunting buddies that will help you get out one last time when your probably too old to get out.

Fly rods and reel

Funny, I used to hear that you don’t need to spend money to have a good time. Then why are ferrari’s soo popular? Why are so many people buying 30K plus fishing boats 10 to 1 over the small jon boats? I could go on but you get the point. It does take some money to enjoy ones self in the outdoors.

When I was a younger man, I dreamed of fly fishing. I bought a cheapy fly rod, some poppers, I caught blue gill and the odd bass. Fun but not fun enough to upgrade. Then I moved to Colorado. Bought a 60 dollar fly rod with a n okuma reel. It was nice to me a the time. a 2 piece deal I had about 100 bucks wrapped up in. 5/6 weight rod, 5 weight line. It was sloooooow action. But, it worked and I caught a few fish with it. I eventually realized that it sucked, I realized this when I paid a guide to show me how to fly fish and he used sage rods. Did the same thing with shotguns once, had similar results but we wont get into that now.

Then I got married which should have put the old kibosh on any new gear but instead I ended up getting a sage rod. Launch I believe. It got stolen. Lovely. So then I got a sage vantage and that was a clear improvement. Each one of thee rods kept getting more and more expensive and at one point I thought, this isn’t necessary so I bought a 6 weight in a cheaper st croix as it was on sale. Compared to the sage, its crap. It works and I have caught something like 6-10 fish on it but it doesn’t cast well. I noticed this today when switching from a sage to a st croix, back and forth. Night and day but I will say this, the line on the st croix is real poop and it is a whole weight size smaller, that never goes well. So I am not throwing out the ole st croix, I’ll keep it as a loaner but its not going to be in the regular use rotation.

No, I am getting rid of the old sage 8 weight, I never use it. great rod but its literally collecting dust. Not muc reason for an 8 weight here in Idaho, sure, I guess I could keep it for steelhead but id rather spinfish for steel head anyway. No, I believe I shall get rid of it and get a fast action 5. I have that sage 4 that casts dries beautifully for small rivers but I don’t have anything that can do a lot of double nymph rigs for 40 foot casts or bigger streamers and hoppers. That’s where you live are on those flies.

Im thinking sage pulse, any other suggestions?

fly fishing guide

recently I was chatting with a young man about the outdoors and he told me hed come out west to become a fly fishing guide. He loves to fly fish. the irony about being a guide of anything is that you dont end up actually doing the thing, your helping some one else do the thing you love to do while not actually doing it yourself.

if you like fishing, go fishing. if you like hunting, go hunting but lets not cornfuse guiding a thing you love with doing it. Ive done such things in my past and ended up getting burnt out on them by having to accommodate everyone else doing these things whilst never doing them myself. other than braggadocio at a public drinking house, there isnt any glory in it and the problem is that it pays soo bad, you cant afford much more than a beer at that house of bragging.

Rifle review

Im not a tactical sort of fellow in the sense that I don’t wear 511 clothes, pack an arsenal everywhere I go and live in paranoia and distrust of anyone that doesn’t drive a lifted diesel truck. No, I’m practical. Similar in a few ways, very very different in many others. I have handguns of various types but don’t really shoot them much. I don’t dislike them but I am a hunter so long guns get all of my attention and usually only the flavor that can be used for killing animals to eat.

I think a rabbit trail might be in order here: the “tactical” crowd can from time to time get on my last nerve. I live near some of these types and as well around some less paranoid types. The difference in every day life is huge. You never see them, they are always open carrying and unless 511 makes it, they don’t wear it. The way they dress went from cover to overt as they now al dress the same. Nothing against these folk for dressing they way they do and exercising their right but for heaven sake, lighten up. You are going to die someday, its likely going to be from cancer or old age, not a street fight where your highly customized self built M4 is dumping magazine after magazine on the bad guys. Oh I think preparedness and the 2A are critical but lets be humans shall we?

Anyway, oh yeah, rifle review. The subject material is the Ruger PC carbine. I found myself with one for review and thought Id go ahead and put a few 9MM rounds through it. I don’t actually own anything that shoots 9MM so I had to go acquire some for this thing to eat. Try that now a days, paranoia really does a number on loaded ammo supplies and such. Anyway, I was able to get some and put a few through it. the only magazines that came with it were ruger, although you can change it out to accept glock magazines. I don’t own anything glock either for the record.

The thing is fun, no recoil, not that loud and its pretty darn accurate from what I can tell with open sights. We only put a few magazines worth through it and I will say that I did have one round fail to feed properly but im not sure it was in the magazine right to start with.

The sights are pretty nice, ghost ring I believe they call it, it looks and feels like a regular rifle (Of which I love as I shoot bolt action and lever action primarily) and it is a breakdown model. You literally lock the action open (MT of course) pull a bar forward toward the end of the barrel on the forend and then twist left ¼ turn and pull back. Just like that, the whole thing can be packed in what I think is 20 inches or less. That’s actually nice. We live in Idaho and when hiking its nice to have something with a little punch on hand if your not packing a handgun with you. We got al kinds of stuff here, grizz, wolf, badger, wolverine, black bear a power hungry governor,,,,,,,, im not too worries about the first part of the list, its that last one that starts giving a nod to the 511 crowd. Anyway, it really seems to work well.

As I am primarily a bird hunter, think shotguns, (no, not some stupid useless sawed off thing) and secondarily a big game hunter, most of what I shoot are bolt action and over under or pump long guns. They have semi pistol grips, long forend and cheek combs and pretty good trigger pulls. So something that fits and acts like a hunting gun is welcome and can actually be gotten used to. Frankly this sort of thing seems like an awful lot of fun just to target shoot at (If ever ammo is free flowing and not being hoarded again) and as well, not a bad thing to have around should the lemming southpaw crowd decide to re-distribute some of my wealth (Im not wealthy, noting really to re-distribute).

I can recommend it and in all honesty there’s soo many people talking about its flawless reliability that I am pretty sure the only mis feed I had was probably a bullet not being loaded all the way back in the magazine. I think we’ll keep this one.

part 2

So, they don’t make them like they used to? I didn’t really say why, well, for one, guns made before 1991 likely aren’t steel proofed, in other words, you cant shoot steel through them without risking damage. The problem with getting a non steel proofed gun is that if the anti gun crowd has their way, only platinum would be allowed in shotshell to financially prevent people from shooting guns at all. The reasons for steel shot are scientifically invalid and in no way benefit game being shot. Were trying to kill the animals with the shot, not wound them. Steel shot is less dense than steel and hence carries less energy per similar mass,,,,,, it has less killing power than lead and more chances to wound game animals. Lead ore is found in/on the earth,,,,,, I could go on but for sake of brevity on the subject, you’ll see more and more requirements to shoot steel as time goes on, hence a gun that cant shoot steel will be of little value to a game hunter.

Steels and steel alloys (Concerning gun action and barrels) are far better than they were 50 years ago, so is automated manufacturing so not only can the steel in the guns last longer, hold up to more abuse (New loads are more powerful than old ones, FAR more in some cases) but they are manufactured to more precise tolerances as well. A few things were better back in the day such as bluing, wood and color case hardening but these are really cosmetic items.

What will a used gun cost? Well I paid 800 for a used miroku than cannot shoot steel about 6-7 years ago and a new version of this gun runs slightly more than double that. My old gun is beautiful, has hand engraving, hard to open from hardly being shot, the barrels ring,,,,, but the issue is that if anything goes wrong like firing pins or triggers, im gonna have a heck of a time finding firing pins or springs for it. In England these things are highly regarded and treasured, here? nobody knows a thing about them.

Used isn’t sounding so good all the sudden, this is relegated to the discussion of shotguns, rifle, revolvers and pistols are even better chance of getting something bad. Semi auto’s are probably the worst for this.

So, should you buy new or used? You need to have very specific reasons for each and be realistic about what your going to actually do with it. Personally, Ive spent less on these types of things and regretted it almost every single time, spending double up front might actually mean saving more than double in the long run.


hunting fishing and my opinions