Welcome to iMedia! https://i.mediaentertainment.e....xchange/sayerji/?afm
Featuring Sayer Ji totally uncensored, plus 5 hours of free content of the Advanced Medicine Conference 2021 and additional content available to purchase.
Join Sayer Ji, founder of Greenmedinfo.com - an evidence-based natural health resource used by every country in the world, and co-founder of the non-profit health rights organization, Stand for Health Freedom. Sayer is the author of the international best-selling book, “REGENERATE: Unlocking Your Body’s Radical Resilience through the New Biology.” (Hay Houuse, 202 Sayer is also an outspoken advocate for health freedom, informed consent, and the benefits of natural alternatives. His platform has the distinction of being one of the most de-platformed and censor-free health resources in the world.
Watch it here today: https://i.mediaentertainment.e....xchange/sayerji/?afm