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I was disappointed that USA.Life didnt have any active crypto groups so I started this page when I shifted over here from Gab, which had a great group of over 20k people. But since Gab has forbidden photos and memes for all free accounts, I left there and won't be going back unless that edict is lifted, from what I read it is not going well for good CC guys over there, so it may change, but I will still maintain a presence here on USA.Life

interesting - SolNote goes from presale to major sponsorship in only 1 month, meteoric.
Currently around 75c, so worth some consideration.


BTC testing 70k again, I don't think it means much right now, but we will see if there is a trend forming.
Monero still on an upward climb, slow and steady - You can mine monero in the Monero wallet - if you didnt know -
NOT coin and OKB spiking, reasons unknown to me -
Not many in the top 40 doing very much, all eyes on BTC I think.

"Sell in May and go away" has hit the stocks, and since so many of the crypto traders are stock traders, this puts downward pressure on the crypto market as well. Crypto used to be different than stocks, going up as the stock market went down, mainly because the crypto people looked for value and utility in a crypto. A large portion were just hodlers and true believers in their ecosystem. This all exploded in 2020 as the crypto market morphed into a 24/7 stock market with no day trader rules, no wash rules, basically no rules at all. Not that I think thats a bad thing, I don't. But it did change the face of crypto completely. The good news is, ecosystems are once again becoming important, and things should improve within those ecosystems.
My outlook posted four days ago was correct, next week will be choppy as well, and retracement is the name of the game right now, as their is no optimism out there right now.


Predictably TRUMP MAGA went ballistic, PEPE not showing it yet, but will likely also get a big push. I see much potential in the TRUMP MAGA ahead, but there are so many imposters its hard to get a good one. I am using the Solana ecosystem TRUMP MAGA with 726M market cap, currently priced at $16.49. Due your research, too many scammers out there.


"Red October" is coming. I do plan to be out of all speculative trading by then, and locked down into what I call "Solid Survivors". These would be the "blue chips" of the crypto world, things like BTC and ETH, SOL, maybe a few others.
The crash of 1929 occurred in October...



A discussion of current crypto trends, wallets, exchanges, miners,
swaps and how to use them.