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LEP'S FAITH QUOTES: Joint-Heirship 2/25 Thursday Thoughts

By faith, if we receive and accept His Son, God brings us into sonship, and not only into sonship but into joint-heirship, into sharing together with Him all that the Son possesses.

-- Smith Wigglesworth

LEP'S FAITH QUOTES: Limitless Possibilities 2/24 Wednesday Wisdom

I want you to see that as you receive the Son of God, and as Christ dwells in your heart by faith, there is a divine force, the power of limitless possibilities, within you, and that as a result of this incoming Christ, God wants to do great things through you.

-- Smith Wigglesworth

LEP'S FAITH QUOTES: More Convinced Every Day 2/23 Tuesday Truth
I am more and more convinced every day I live that very few who are saved by the grace of God have a right conception of how great is their authority over darkness, demons, death, and every power of the enemy.

-- Smith Wigglesworth

LEP'S FAITH QUOTES: The Word Has Power 2/22 Monday Meditation
The Word of God is wonderful. It is not only wonderful, but it has power to change conditions. Any natural condition can be changed by the Word of God, which is a supernatural power. In the Word of God is the breath, the nature, and the power of the living God, and His power works in every person who dares to believe His Word.
-- Smith Wigglesworth

LEP'S FAITH QUOTES: God Has a Real Plan 2/19 Friday Faith

This Jesus is just the same today, and He says to you, "I will, be thou clean." He has an overflowing cup for thee, and fulness of life. He will meet you in your absolute helplessness. All thing are possible if you will only believe. God has a real plan. It is so simple. Just come to Jesus. You will find Him just the same as He was in days of old.

-- Smith Wigglesworth


I post daily quotes (M-F) from the sermons and writings of Pentecostal pioneers whom you are unlikely to encounter in ordinary devotional readings.